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Your Best Co-op Games Thread


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Posted (edited)

Pretty good back to back Maine games. 1st one the CV was a real player and the 2nd one was all bots. The all bot game was really odd as it was T9/T10/SS. I think I have got a couple where it was mixed T10 and SS but I don't ever recall one with T9's. Usually when you get an all bot game in SS's it is all SS's which I prefer. Anyway...

Game 1: (311K 4 Kills 1104 BXP)





Game 2: (282K 3 Kills 821 BXP)






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Posted (edited)

Another good Maine game. Really liking the ship now. At 1st I was lukewarm as it isn't as tough or as accurate as Montana. Monty is probably my fav ship in game so I had high hopes for Maine; the Super Monty. Getting more used to its quirks and playing it to its full potential and really liking it. 

Up to 87 games with it now. Surprisingly 3 losses. The 3 losses were all bot games. My 2 highest score games in it so far are losses and the 3rd loss I took a torp under a turret and detonated with the game in the balance and my bots let me down LOL. Overall though doing pretty good in it.

Got the avg damage up to 149K+ a game (could be much higher but I play it too much and get a lot of all human games which hurts avg's in Co-op as you all know). Good ship.




Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Best Louisiana game to date.

Not a big fan of the hybrid BB's and don't play them much. Only avg 83K on it. 

This was what you call a nail biter in Co-op. Just me and the CV for real players. We got down right off in caps, points, and ships in a big way. Plus, the game was trolling me and doing overpens on everything; even broadside BB's. It finally started hitting proper. Honestly, I was starting to think we were screwed.

The CV and I worked our butts off to pull it out and won on pts with me just about to finish the red CV (was basically dead anyway). Very close game and reminded me more of the old Co-op.




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Des Moines knocking the crap out of reds. 14 pts away from 1k, of course.





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This was an interesting game.  I didn't expect to have to carry this game with La Argentina. . .


there were 4 humans in this one, the Konig and an Omaha did worse than some of the bots





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Worrisome battle as it quickly became just me and a couple of bots against five ships. I whittled them down and we eventually prevailed. This is the damage record for this ship and I never thought I would sink that RU BB....The relatively low BXP is a reflection of the high damage on just the one RU BB.

Hindenburg 6-29-2024 #1.jpg

Hindenburg 6-29-2024 #2.jpg

Hindenburg 6-29-2024 #3.jpg

Hindenburg 6-29-2024 #4.jpg

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WV 44 D Day Omaha Beach Operation.

Used a few Blue Boosters.




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Nowhere near my best game, but as it was the first in Cerberus it was pretty enjoyable, she is ship #613 in my fleet.





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Posted (edited)

It baffles me sometimes how truly bad people play.

"Lets yolo middle without ever touching WASD because they are just bots and they can't hurt us" ... "Sounds good let's go"... "Umm, guys, you might want to not do that there are just the 3 of us and those bots all have torps" ... "Nah, we got this... "ok if you say so" ... " Hey, how did we die in 3 mins to bots?" ... "You have to be kidding me AAARRRGGGHHH!"


Oh well, left more for me.





Edited by AdmiralThunder
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24 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

I think you missed a couple @AdmiralThunder...


Didn't want to be greedy

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A couple of fun battles this morning in a couple of great ships. The 85 planes kills is the highest to date for the Stalingrad.

Mecklenburg 7-4-2024 #1.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-4-2024 #2.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-4-2024 #3.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-4-2024 #4.jpg

Stalingrad 7-4-2024 #1.jpg

Stalingrad 7-4-2024 #2.jpg

Stalingrad 7-4-2024 #3.jpg

Stalingrad 7-4-2024 #4.jpg

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So close you can almost smell it...

29 planes, 5 ships, 4 defends, 2 solo caps and a partridge in a pear tree but no 1000 BXP.





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The strength of Deutscher Stahl....

Mecklenburg 7-5-2024 #1.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-5-2024 #2.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-5-2024 #3.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-5-2024 #4.jpg

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Two ships that are so exceptionally good that even I can do well in them.

Mecklenburg 7-6-2024 #1.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-6-2024 #2.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-6-2024 #3.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-6-2024 #4.jpg

Wisconsin 7-6-2024 #1.jpg

Wisconsin 7-6-2024 #2.jpg

Wisconsin 7-6-2024 #3.jpg

Wisconsin 7-6-2024 #4.jpg

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Devastation  cleaning up, after being left as "the only hope".





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Posted (edited)

Another Devastating game. I spent quite a while chasing a Patrie that seemed to have Unobtanium armour, I sure as hell kept getting bounces and ricochets from broadside shots. Then to add insult to injury I got him down to about 300 HP and he sat there absorbing all my secondaries without taking a single point of damage, then a frigging Edgar behind me hit him with a single secondary shell and he died. 





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Just one battle on this traumatic day and it was good...

Mecklenburg 7-14-2024 #1.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-14-2024 #2.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-14-2024 #3.jpg

Mecklenburg 7-14-2024 #4.jpg

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As I recently noted I am really coming to love this ship...

Wisconsin 7-17-2024 #1.jpg

Wisconsin 7-17-2024 #2.jpg

Wisconsin 7-17-2024 #3.jpg

Wisconsin 7-17-2024 #4.jpg

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Posted (edited)

Man do I love it when you get a team full of people (there were 2 bots in this one actually) who try and play Co-op the way you play Randoms. That kind of hide in the back passive play can really help you if you are aggressive and play the mode properly. The Yumihari had a bunch of kills but honestly was sniping for them. The Sub didn't deserve the BXP it got. Only got that because WG coddles them and gives them bogus increased rewards. Team was full of passive bad players (well besides the human DD player who yolo'd and got nuked early).

When the last red besides the CV died there wasn't a single green besides me on the red side of the map center line. I had to LOL. 

This game was one of the rare ones where I left a cap I almost had. I was in B and had about 20 sec to go before I had it but saw that if I went for the CV I was the only one who would have any shot at it (was grounded behind an island at the back of map) and any planes would be mine so I figured just get the game over with. It cost me 1000+ BXP but I wasn't waiting around.

Over 1 million credits gross and net.





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18 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

The Sub didn't deserve the BXP it got. Only got that because WG coddles them and gives them bogus increased rewards.

They "hide with pride" and then receives inordinate amounts of Base XP. Peak game design, WG.

21 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

people (there were 2 bots in this one actually) who try and play Co-op the way you play Randoms. That kind of hide in the back passive play

I've been playing Mode Shuffle and when I see this particular playstyle on my team, it usually results to a quick defeat. Unreasonable passivity and plain cowardice, as if their ships do not have the means to strike back.

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Win by the skin of my teeth.

So many things I did that weren't so good; but I seemed to find my groove when I couldn't really see anything left on my health bar. (60-ish points left?)

That health bar was so thin; even the bots couldn't see me, apparently.

la, la, la... Just noticed; 200k PD on a 15k DD... 😲






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