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Brisbane or Black for Coal?


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30 minutes ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Which is the better/more fun? Brisbane or Black?

Glad to see that you find da place !!

I got Brisbane ( waited enough,  got the commander first) but I'm biased being a cruiser main 🙂

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43 minutes ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Which is the better/more fun? Brisbane or Black?

They are two completely different ships.
Brisbane is a cruiser, with some similarities to some British Cruisers.
The Black is a variation of the Fletcher class DD's and is equipped with radar.

I deferred welcoming the Brisbane and opted to welcome Commander Matilda Kelly first. 
I'm looking forward to welcoming the Brisbane.  Just have to save-up more coal.

I do have the Black in my Port.  She's enjoyable to play and the radar is nice for revealing opponents.
A fun DD to play and a good all-rounder, in my opinion.

I'll let other people share their impressions of the Brisbane, since I've yet to sail her.

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I don't have the Brisbane but I do enjoy my Black for farming credits. It's enjoyable to play, however the ship and torpedo's are both slow moving.

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1 hour ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Which is the better/more fun? Brisbane or Black?

As usual in these cases, a lot depends on what you personally dig, and are good with. FWIW, my - spectacularly subjective - view is along the following lines:

  • Black: she's the one I've actually played reasonably frequently, and against real people. Despite the radar nerf, she's still pretty decent; with a coal mod, you get 22.8 secs radar, which isn't disastrous, especially in more competitive modes where (with any luck) at least some of your team-mates can find their bottoms with both hands and a map, and may even shoot at what you light up. In other respects, she's - obviously - essentially a Feltcher, only with the notorious sea-mines. Concealment of 5.8 km compares favourably with the new EU DDs (the other DDs with smoke/radar).
  • Brisbane: I've only mucked about a bit with her in Coop (I only nabbed her yesterday), and - as you may recall - I can't cruiser for toffee, so mine'll generally live in Coop. This goes double for Brisbane since she's - more or less - a radar Mino, and those are legendary for requiring one's kung fu be of the highest level. So far, she's a hoot in Coop, but you'll need proper players to tell you how she fares in proper battles. I've currently got mine built for torps (as I have Mino for dakka), and with coal radar mod (combined with captain skill, that gives a run-time of 26.4 secs, which - on a 12 km radar - is fairly indecent). The usual caveat about having no silver ships to nick a decent captain from applies, although these days most of us probably have enough Commonwealth ships kicking around to have an experienced captain to hand (I've borrowed the 21 pointer I have for Haida/Vampire II).
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Black is an excellent DD, combo radar+smoke still works, and slow torps are not such a drawback tbh, they surprise opponents quite often as they do not expect so long arrival time, you may score hits after you forgot that you fired them 🙂 Brisbane I can't say yet, only got her yesterday and had few runds in coop, but it looks hilariously fun 🙂 If you prefer DDs go for Black, if CLs - go for Brisbane. 

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19 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Which is the better/more fun? Brisbane or Black?

Do you like Radar Minotaur? How would you like your Radar Minotaur to have HE ammo, more and longer-ranged torpedoes, and greater radar reach at the expense of duration? If so, Brisbane is most definitely for you. She's even better if you played the introduction event way back when and grabbed the 19 point commander they gave out back then. That being said, the potential lack of tech-tree commander availability as highlighted by @Verblonde is an issue.

Black is Fletcher with Chung Mu's radar and the slowest torpedoes on the planet (some destroyers are faster), but they are also among the deadliest.

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6 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Do you like Radar Minotaur? How would you like your Radar Minotaur to have HE ammo, more and longer-ranged torpedoes, and greater radar reach at the expense of duration? If so, Brisbane is most definitely for you. She's even better if you played the introduction event way back when and grabbed the 19 point commander they gave out back then. That being said, the potential lack of tech-tree commander availability as highlighted by @Verblonde is an issue.

Black is Fletcher with Chung Mu's radar and the slowest torpedoes on the planet (some destroyers are faster), but they are also among the deadliest.

I have a 21 pointer for Vampire 2. My least favored class is light cruiser. I’ve the Smolensk but rarerly play her. I have neither grinded the Mino line, nor the Gearing line, yet. My favorite light cruiser is Austin, because doing hit and run is fun. I mostly play BBs, mixed with battle/heavy cruisers, torp DDs, or DD hunters. I already have all the coal ships the fits my style and these two seem to be the most interesting among the remaing coal ships.

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22 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

My least favored class is light cruiser

Well there is your answer m8 take the Black

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I have them both. The Black has not really kept up with the meta and is pretty much a one trick pony, (smoke and radar for contesting caps). It's also very slow by destroyer standards and has no speed boost. The Brisbane, while I've only had her for a week is utterly hilarious. It's basically a Minotaur with HE and better torps. I would definitely recommend getting her.

Edited by gassy_pug
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I got the Black. It feels like cheating in ranked. I just smoke up, hit the radar button and win. Thank you guys.

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Black is the safe, credit earning WR improving chioce. Stealthhy, good guns fast(ish) reloading torps and smoke/radar combo. Played right u dominate the caps and kill dds on a regular basis.

Brisbane is just a ton of fun but hard to play as you are target nr1 as soon as you show yourself. Island sneaking,. amushing and surprise dd style of play. A radar mino with better torps, longer radar and access to HE.

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Black is T9, and by that nature tend to have significant drawbacks that T10s typically don't. They have a place in modes where only T9s are present, like current ranked. If that don't suit you, I don't particularly recommend the ship.

Brisbane is a long-range oriented Minotaur. Everything about it is longer range focused at the expense of other capabilities, that makes it more casual friendly but also limits its strengths to certain niches. I do not recommend the Brisbane unless you have both CL and DD experience.

Edit: I suggest picking based on which better matches you and your preferences. These are just the main cons of the ships to keep in mind.

Edited by Verytis
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I got the Brisbane but I love cruisers and cruiser play.  Overall she is pretty fun, I enjoy her although I haven't played her much. Just a few matches because tier 10 co-op is less fun than tier 7 co-op. 

Understand that I had a million coal and just nothing else available or coming up, that I wanted so your circumstances may be far different.  My rule is have enough coal on hand to buy any 2 premium ships AND any unique captain (pennant flying captain) that they may offer up. I figure that number is 750k so am still good. 

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