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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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Shocker game, (for me at least,) in Ops.

Barely got four ships survive; I just had a sliver of health, even after getting a full repair.

(Amazing, that bot accuracy.)





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 This one was funny . 😇


For those who don't speak French (and they are numerous) , here is the recipe :

- take a slow ship, preferably a big fat BB,
- wait for the enemy sub to show,
- go and begin to chase the sub (they are always surprised...  😁),
- position your anvil BB right above and wait : like a whale, the sub must emerge in order to breathe.
- give him the surprise and let him bump into your hull and sink.

(He hit me with 4 torps though but the HP trade was in my favor since I had already bombed him).
Surprisingly, I was reported after that...  😅

Edited by Silence_CN
big fingers, small keyboard...
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36 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Tried Asymmetric battle for the first time in the I-56

image_2023-08-15_105643113.thumb.png.83ae1e2ced8c00ed415008f9cb097139.png  👍

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Knocking of the snowflakes this update has actually made me re-discover some really fun ship again.




















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Finally reasonable MM (Random) and on top of it RNG that made it actually possible to hit stuff ... Kii delivered like she usually does. Much, much better ship than this so called battle cruiser Yumihari. Btw, same goes for Amagi. 

Skjermbilde 2023-12-20 174233.png

Skjermbilde 2023-12-20 174222.png

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My greatest achievement today was resisting the temptation to open my wallet for the 1/2 off 360 day prem. I've bought them in the past and they pretty much self sustained after that with the old SCs and event drops. But since they've nerfed the beejayzus out of that, I'm not feeling very merry. It was close though, one more beer and I might have clicked! lol

I have 130 days or so left. I have lots of boosters in stock. Lots of premium ships and should be able to bank a couple hundred million credits before then. After that, I'm F2P only I guess. Which is fine... I've sent far too much money to WG over the past decade. Well more than my entire game library combined.


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On 12/19/2023 at 12:47 AM, Snargfargle said:

Just because you are low tier doesn't mean you can't do well in a game.



that is true but some ships are so strong that they dont mind the tier gap, like these two.

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9 minutes ago, o4x4 said:

Proper brawler, one salvo erased poor Atlanta with 2 cits.


Can't complain about brawling; it's the mostest funnest thing I do in WOWS.

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First (Random) battle with my brandnew BB Borodino. Played her more or less like a Stalingrad, and it was a blast. Not so much damage, but I did hold our right flank with success and some sinkings. 😁 Borodino's guns are identical with those of TIX Soviet Soyus, but much more accurate. Railguns really. 

Skjermbilde 2023-12-23 154127.png

Skjermbilde 2023-12-23 154324.png

Skjermbilde 2023-12-23 154338.png


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Agree for the accuracy of Borodino's guns.

As for me, far less interesting, but I love this ship.
Just wonder if Zippo © would sponsor me ?  😋


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A good game today. Also, checking out a potential image hosting site.

Imgbly direct link made by parsing embed link.


Edited by Snargfargle
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After a rocky start (to say the least), my team started to pull it together, However, was it too little too late?

Checking out a file hosting service to conserve bandwidth here.


Unregistered MediaFire uploads are deleted after 14 days but that's probably good for a replay upload as the WOWS client changes in that time period anyway.

Edited by Snargfargle
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I swear I tried, but this does not appear as being sufficient...  Sad. ☹️


Hey Mr. Zippo ©, still no sponsor ? 

Edited by Silence_CN
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Finished regrinding the German BB line to Preussen.  I don't ever want to re-grind Fredrick de Grosse again; three times is enough.  I chose to regrind this line for research points because I really didn't understand how to play these BBs.  I think I have a better understanding of how these ships should be played, now.

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I'll have to upload the pictures later but 8 kills and 310k damage in Chaklov yesterday in Asym. 

We had one afk and as usual no communication from the other players. 



Edited by GandalfTehGray
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