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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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This is from a few months back but I feel its sort of memorable 


Belfast score 1.jpg

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My best achievement of today ?
Convince my team not to go to fight at the end (2 vs 2), failing...

And then, this happened :


... yes it was a win.

PS: regrinding the branch, don't judge me for being a seal clubber

Edited by Silence_CN
big fingers, small keyboard...
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My best achievement today was 11 kills with Konig Albert in a rearguard action (Random march, Asia server). It wasn't enough.

When the dust settled on the battlefield, no-one survived. The Reds prevailed on points.

Nevertheless, a most memorable loss.

K Albert 11-2023.png

K Albert 11-2023  b.png

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This is likely going to be my best one for today.


What's interesting is I capped about 3 seconds after we won the battle.


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Derzki is such a nasty little bugger. Those rapid fire torps..if it was real the weight of all those torps would be more than the entire ship!! Cleared up the bots...knife fight win over the enemy Wakatake (who had 4 kills) and then the most fun was hunting down and killing the Hosho. 

World of Warships 11_11_2023 9_18_16 PM.png

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I just survived a random battle win in Mutsuki with 2hp.



I got careless and a Trento surprised me around an island.  My ship just barely held together, and later proved the "any ship floating is still dangerous" by torping said Trento.

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Not much dmg, but a hell of a fight. "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" isn't just a monster with her secondaries, but also with her AA - suite. The enemy CV concentrated its efforts exclusively on me as you might notice. 

Skjermbilde 2023-11-17 183337.png

Skjermbilde 2023-11-17 183349.png

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On 10/31/2023 at 9:57 PM, SoshiSone said:

So...even if you're having disconnect issues...do your best to get back in the game.  This guy was 13 minutes late to battle...finally got in...and made the difference between a win and a loss.

I've got back in just in time to frag the poor sucker who thought he had an AFK sitter in his sights. But the best example I ever saw was a Yamato on my team that loaded late. Very, very late - we were down and losing. He immediately apologized for whatever it was that had happened to him, pulled on his carry pants, and proceeded to rescue us.

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Anytime you can get a solo warrior, you know it was a fun game. I got very lucky. The enemy Wickes with 6 kills made a mistake and ran into torps I had launched at Gelderland resulting in a double kill. Low tiers are such a blast!

World of Warships 11_17_2023 7_36_31 PM.png

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Silver ranked, a win against bad statistical odds. But still a decisive victory... And I recorded something like a "dying message for the eternity" that was uttered by an enemy. 🤪 (Compare the MM monitor stats vs the actual results...)


Regards, Nightowl

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5 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

@Northern Nightowl The text is a little small to read, though.

Apparently, the forum software does a bit of scaling, normally, the PNG should be at 2560x1024px without readability issues. Well, now via image hoster.

Regards, Nightowl

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Very easy game tbh. Quick one, too: 13:30, a missed chance to break my xp record, for sure. And it could've been three Dev Strikes, but someone had to do 1k to the Béarn after I'd done all the rest in one salvo...😡

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpSPrvO0PS8 in case anyone's curious. That Mackesen was a good sport btw.

Edited by tocqueville8
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First sharp battle (Random) in my brand new acquisition, the Russian BB Navarin. BTW, an awesome piece IMHO. The battle itself was very even until the end. Unfortunately a loss, but it didn't hurt that much since the vessel and I delivered. TYI, Nr. 3 - 5 on the board of the reds are my sinkings. 

Skjermbilde 2023-11-20 230824.png

Skjermbilde 2023-11-20 230831.png


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 And I got both of the subs, god bless them! 🙂

I'm starting to really like Halsey with a tank build, especially now that SHAP and IRPR have been buffed...

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