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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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21 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Brawl with "Aegir" where she delivered. Good ship for brawls and ranked. 

Skjermbilde 2024-06-03 125635.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-03 125645.jpg

holy hell that's rare, you didn't get 30 BOTS in the match, nice work by the way

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Can't beat carrier tho

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I know it's more than one day but having a positive WR in Randoms for the weekend for the first time in a long time. I switched to Ranked for the week so I don't jinx myself.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 105702.jpg

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How about two Mutsuki battles for the price of one!  Today a tier V battle (with 6 bots per side), it came down to me alone defending our cap vs Nicholas, Kongo and New York (all humans).  Torps away to sink Kongo while Nicholas hid in his smoke in our cap, then I gunned him down (!) and dodged his torps, then hid in my own smoke so as not to get sunk by NY.  We then had a dance for a few minutes while he pressed me towards the edge of the map, and dodged a few spreads, but eventually I got him for the win.  No solo warrior since there were only 3 reds alive when my allied Derfflinger sank, but an unlikely comeback regardless.




I meant to post this one on Sunday, I was so excited.  Tier VII battle, I torped an Eendracht and Colorado in the first half, then surprised Cachalot who tried to ram me on the surface.  He just scraped along my fantail and I got DieHard as he went down.  I think some of my depth charges rolled across his deck.  🙂  The reds got up pretty far in the second half, even had all three caps.  I torped Scharnhorst'43, Bayern and then another Colorado in order, and took back two caps, and my allied Gneisenau did good work as well.  Last enemy was Minekaze but the reds were so far ahead on points that even if I took the last cap we could not catch up if he just hid.  But he showed himself right in front of me, and we gunned it out.  Gneis got the kill shot in for his Kraken and our win, and I ended up eating torps in "extra time" so did not technically survive.  What a thriller, could have been a "Game of Throws" episode.


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Hi all,

Wisconsin! :-)



Leo "Apollo11"

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There was some luck involved. We controlled 2 caps for the majority of the game and I had good health crossing from C spawn all the way to A at 19 knots. When we hit 1ooo, they were at 959 points.


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Maybe not an achievement, but still, I think it's very rare to get this...!!


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17 minutes ago, BlueNautilus said:

Maybe not an achievement, but still, I think it's very rare to get this...!!


That is rare!  The last time I got a draw was an Arms Race battle in which neither side could capture the center zone, and identical remaining lineups watched the timer expire .

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Yes, I know, I was the only human in co-op in the PTS, so the chances of grabbing shiploads of damage are stacked in my favour. Still...



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Went through with several trade-in ideas, and had an almost 3k base xp game in the K14J. Nice variety of armaments...




2.4k with Ashitaka in Narai. Our DD was a good teamplayer and went for the CV after everyone else failed to, but that still left me to take on 4-5 bots on my own. Thankfully that bot Colorado didn't know about overmatch...

Edited by tocqueville8
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Nothing special actually, but I'm very happy with my newly purchased "Mecklenburg", which delivers. Today I have had two randoms (1 defeat + 1 victory) so far and both have been decent games, yeah you still might find those, hooray 😄, with my Mecklenburg being both a pleasant ship to sail and powerful on top of it. I'm getting more and more used to her, and I have got the feeling that she will serve me well. 

Skjermbilde 2024-06-14 142441.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-14 142234.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-14 142308.jpg

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Had 2 awesome games today. Ibuki in randoms doing the line regrind, and Maas in D-Day ops.




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Today was "21pt Captain Day"

  • Added 21pt Capt #40


  • Made (2) 21pt Capt swaps
    • Halsey from T9 CA Buffalo to T10 CV Essex
    • Standard Capt from T10 CV Essex to T10 BB Louisiana



  •  Pan-Asia Legendary Capt reaching 21pts gives me a full set


Need to start rebuilding the ECXP reserves now with the new Pan American Captain coming (https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/540). Not sure if it will be a Legendary Capt or one of the ones a step below that? DevBlog isn't really clear but either way that is coming and with the new Pan Am BB's coming it will be useful.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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On 6/11/2024 at 2:24 AM, BlueNautilus said:

Maybe not an achievement, but still, I think it's very rare to get this...!!


How many Draws do you have in total?

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49 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

How many Draws do you have in total?

You didn't ask me but I was curious after reading what you posted so I went and looked.

  • Randoms = 0
  • Co-op = 54

I was surprised at the # in Co-op. Has been ages since I had one there. They used to be quite common back when I 1st started playing but game changes over the years have almost eliminated them.

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@AdmiralThunder @BlueNautilus

I checked mine just now, and the number of Draws I have in total also surprised me.

  • Randoms = 7
  • Co-op = 94

I remember the last time I got a Draw in Random Battle. I was grinding the Donskoi → Moskva line, and it was unforgettable because the Kidd on the enemy team kept telling me over the in-game chat "get away Russian", "be gone Russian". At that time, the pandemic has just started.

The 94 Draws I have in Co-op really surprised me. I can't remember how and when the last time was, but that is what the game is telling me.

My most recent Draw happened during the recent 2 versus 2 Tier X Brawl. This was last May 23, 2024.


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3 hours ago, Frostbow said:

How many Draws do you have in total?

2 in Randoms.


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This post will go along with my one from earlier today where I posted I had got the last of the 9 Legendary Captains in game to 21 pts.

Was bored tonight and messing around in game. Decided to grab the last 3 SuperShips I didn't have (Dalarna, Kunming, and Zorky). Those 3 DD's don't really interest me much, which is why I hadn't bought them before, but I finally took the plunge to give me all of the current SuperShips in game. 


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Best game ruined by a CV that just spots you forever. Dumbass WG and its stupid mehanic



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7 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Best game ruined by a CV that just spots you forever.

It is every ship's job to detect you and sink you.

Why you heff to be mad? (Original)


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15 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

It is every ship's job to detect you and sink you.

Why you heff to be mad? (Original)


Why mad?


Would have more luck if I throw potatoes from ship to shot down planes.


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6 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Why mad?


Would have more luck if I throw potatoes from ship to shot down planes.


You chose the ship to play.  

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13 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Would have more luck if I throw potatoes from ship to shot down planes.

Good one. I'll have to use that quote in the future.

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14 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Why mad?


Would have more luck if I throw potatoes from ship to shot down planes.


there is a lot of potatoe players out there that will gladly  shoot down your planes for you 


make this then 

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I played a tier V Random Battle. Normally play high tier, usually tier X.

I was top tier at tier V in my Yahagi w/ 21pt Yamamoto as captain, and there were some bots in the game. I focused mainly on the real players, except at the beginning where there was only bots in range of my guns.

Anyway, seems like I had a bit more experience than the other players on the opposing team. I was able to out brawl 3 opposing cruisers at very close range with my Yahagi. Would have got the Chunking kill too, but a bot got it.

I feel a bit guilty about it. But that won't keep me from posting the results, lol.





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