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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

The new Twitch drop mission calls for 24 fires or torp hits. I have everything else done (dockyard week 4, battlepass, etc...) so I decided to focus on it for my last few games today. Normally I would just go to Co-op with Smolensk but Co-op is a mess right now with everyone doing dockyard tasks so I actually decided to go grab ol' reliable for fires, the BBQ god, KGV and play a random battle. 


Started off slow with neither side doing much and 2 caps apiece then all of a sudden 1/2 my team was gone??? The entire west flank vanished and we were down all 4 caps at one point. But there was a small group of us on the East flank (me in KGV, Colorado, Nagato, and Leander) and we fought back to keep us in it and turned it around. We got 2 caps back and began focusing them 1 at a time.

I went after their almost full HP Scharnhorst while the others tried to get into the other 2 red caps to stop pts and get the last 2 red ships as we were running out of time. They got the 2 ships and got in 1 of the caps slowing the pts enough to keep us in the game while I took on the Scharn as it tried to run from me. With 1:30 to go before a red pt win I landed a 3X perma fire salvo and burned it to the waterline for the W.


One of the best games I have had in Randoms in a long time and I don't mean me personally. I mean overall. It was a hard, back and forth, fight that went to the end and wasn't just a stomp. No one got salty and toxic either. Was a fun game. And on top of a win I got 15/24 fires which is a big help. I will finish in Co-op now.

Not a massive and amazing game but it was fun and that is always a noteworthy "achievement" in WOWS Randoms LOL.


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we let the sub live so he could tell the history of what happened.


Edited by pepe_trueno
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Hi all,

Nice brawl...






Leo "Apollo11"

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Hi all,

Ranked "Silver"... 3 kills... lots of BaseXP...






Leo "Apollo11"

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After my Druid got her first Double Strike, my St. Vincent gently reminded me of the very first time I earned a Combat Scout achievement in a battleship. 😄

My goal to earn a Combat Scout for the ship class I play (destroyer, cruiser, and battleship) is finally complete in the Jäger, Marseille, and now, the St. Vincent.




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One of my best games in the Colbert. Would've been around 3k, I guess, but it looks like I accidentally spotted a Hindenburg at a range where his turtleback doesn't work...

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Reached 27 wins in gold, and decided to stop there, having gotten all the doubloons, and no reason to rank out.

I'm now rank 4, which is the highest I ever got, especially considering I started this sprint in bronze.

Details of this sprint:

25 battles
16 victories, 9 defeats, 64% WR
7 star saved, 2 stars lost

Harekaze: 6 battles 3-3 victories-defeats 50% WR
Harekaze II: 2 1-1 50%
Akizuki 2 2-0 100%
Yukikaze 1 0-1 0%
Mogami: 6 4-2 66%
Tone 1 1-0 100%
Amagi 4 2-2 50%
Kii: 3 3-0 100%

Silver qualifications:
5 battles
100% WR

All battles in Yamagiri starting this point (I don't really have good tier X ships I enjoy for ranked)

29 battles
22 victories, 7 defeats, 75% WR
4 stars saved, 3 stars lost

Gold qualifications:
10 battles
7 victories, 3 defeats, 70% WR
2 stars saved, 1 star lost

51 battles
29 victories, 22 defeats, 57% WR
11 stars saved, 11 stars lost

Gold ranked is the most frustrating thing I played in a while. Even good players are dented, I don't remember seeing such a circus before.

Got my 1800 dubs for this sprint. Thank you and good bye...

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Sleeping past noon. 


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A game with aircraft when playing a cruisers. 2 citadel hits during numerous double CV games playing a BB.

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Skynet Delenda Est.


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Top of the team in my first game of the night with my Haarlem...as bottom tier in a tier 10 match. Got to kill the enemy Lushin who was border humping at the end of the match. RNG screwed me over when it came to air drops on him...but that's WG for you.

Complete stomp for the enemy team.

That was it for the night. I've got better things to do with my time than waste it being a target for those WG wants to reward.


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11 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Skynet Delenda Est.


I was curious about the "Delenda Est" phrase.  So, I did a bit of searching on the internet.
The enclosed reference excerpt seems like a probable explanation.


"Delenda Est" is a science fiction short story by American writer Poul Anderson, part of his Time Patrol series. It was originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction of December 1955.[1] It was first reprinted in the first edition of the "Time Patrol" series collection Guardians of Time (Ballantine Books; September 1960).[2] It was also a selection in the alternate history anthology Worlds of Maybe (Thomas Nelson; 1970) edited by Robert Silverberg.[3][4]

The title alludes to the Latin phrase Carthago delenda est ("Carthage must be destroyed") from the Third Punic War.



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Had a pretty nice game in Missouri, not so much for the damage which was just ok (150K Kraken) being bottom tier, but more because it show the importance of timing. Timing of shots (shot on cooldown or wait a bit for the "moneyshot") and timing of counter attacks that surprised an overconfident enemy team.

It also helps to have 2-3 solid teammates...


This is another good example of one player doing an unusual move .... Going thru mid on Two Brothers .... TWICE! ! ....can change the outcome of a battle.


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Yamato with new Japanese woman commander works nice. 


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Omaha, allegedly fragile AF. 

The red bots would like to claim otherwise.



For some reason, this ship has been an absolute freaking beast for me in the last year or two. I don't take her out often, but when I do, she really shines. 

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I'm replaying the Shimakaze line for the research bureau, currently at Kagerou.


Not even breaking a sweat, to be fair: Top tier, against plenty of tier VI, no one really tried to attack me aside from their submarine.

I saw a visibly bad player in a Cachalot on an otherwise non-guarded flank right from the start. My "love" for submarines dictates I go for him.

On the way I torp their Arizona, but their Fubuki accidentally catches one and gets dev struck. He gets VERY mad and wants me reported for "playing gay" (his words...). I still land 3 torps on Arizona somehow, despite him being far behind Fubuki.

I catch up to Cachalot, and start dropping depth charges. At that moment I spot their Hornet, and drop two sets of torpedoes thanks to TRB.

Cachalot surfaces behind me on low HP. I finish him off with my guns right before my torpedoes sink the Hornet. Double strike on CV+sub. Feels good.

I come back around, send torpedoes to Nelson and Kansas. Miss the Kansas, dev strike the Nelson.

I kill steal the Kansas with my guns, then do the same with their Wukong, and later torpedo their Baltimore (who was in a triple div with Hornet and Wukong!) for my 7th kill.

Yeah these two kill steal were greedy and uncool for my teamates, but... Ah, I guess I just fell for temptation, I have no excuse.


Replay and other screenshots here.

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world record plane kills!!!


in a jager



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Logged in, thought ... Hmm 50 torp ribbons ... 


Tried Essex first (Asym) - failure with just 8. Bah. suxs etc.

Then out came FDR. Success 50 in a single game. Done. Forgot to screenie it.


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  Finally ranked out in Bronze for the first time ever.  Never really gave it much of an effort before, but my clanmate @oldblackdog was a good inspiration.  

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2 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

  Finally ranked out in Bronze for the first time ever.  Never really gave it much of an effort before, but my clanmate @oldblackdog was a good inspiration.  


Who? Me? Thanks, Meat!

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I don't think I ever got such a low DMG/frag ratio, here in Yuugumo.


To be fair, Hindenburg was well protected by islands and almost no one had a shot on him. Someone had to finish off Yuugumo, and my torpedoes were perfectly aimed at Schlieffen: this would have been a dev strike if teamates didn't completely nuke him in less than a minute (yes, that's a 145 DMG torpedo hit).

1698 base XP win still 🙂

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Posted (edited)

I had the distinct pleasure today of shutting a big mouth up!

Decided to play a Random battle to get used to it again as I haven't for a few weeks and I will be doing the 5 Achievement task for week 6 of the dockyard. Just wanted to sharpen my shooting a bit. I plan to go T5/T6 as it will be easier I think to get them there so I took old reliable Giulio Cesare out. 

Was bottom tier in a standard battle. As usual everyone ran for the map border on one side. My side was just me and a Cruiser who turned and went for the rest of the team so I sort of was obliged to do the same. I usually stay "somewhat" near base (gun range) as everyone leaves it and 9/10 I end up defending it. Today was no different.

To shorten this up I was basically in our base covering middle and the empty flank I spawned on. 4 reds were pushing from that flank to the base unopposed. I obviously couldn't rush them alone so I was WASD'ing around base trying to hold them off. I pinged our team who had gone way up the border and were level with the red base and was pinging the base (Defend Base) trying to get someone to come back and help. That's when it started.

The Algerie on our team started chat bashing me big time. Calling me stupid, dumb, a pussy, etc... They accused me of hiding and not fighting because they had seen me "hiding in back all game". I responded back I purposefully did it because someone has to defend the base against the reds pushing and I have 2 kills as proof including 1st Blood. They then accused me of kill stealing even though they were on the other side of the map from where I got them and I wouldn't have been able to reach where they were with GC's short range. You have to LOL at people. They then started the whole "report the GC" crap.

At that point a red DD got in the base and I had no choice but to leave it or get torpedoed because I had no clue where it was plus there was a Cruiser and a BB (Mutsu so easily overmatches me). I kept changing course on the edge of the base and chatting for help. The asshat again started on me about how I had hid now I had to pay the price. Just unbelievable.

A Bayern showed up finally and as much as I appreciated the help he tried to yolo all 3 reds at the base and went down fast. But, it forced the DD to smoke so I knew where it was. I then got myself undetected and went at the smoke. I got close enough before Mutsu busted me that the DD didn't have time to escape after it flubbed its torps.  I finished it off but had to instantly angle to the Mutsu which was now charging. I was able to dodge/angle enough to its salvo to not get nuked and then caught it trying to torp me with my front guns for 2 cits. I knew its torps were coming and easily avoided them. Then swung my butt over and finished Mutsu with 2 more cits. I then forced the red Cruiser to run (Duca d'Aosta) and then finished it when it turned and came back because it had to or lose for the Kraken. I admit I childishly chatted "whose the pussy now?". 🙂 Funny the big mouth had nothing to say.

At that point our Trento was in base with me and we stayed there while our Lyon took out a red and then occupied the last red (DD). The red DD got desperate and spotted and I actually finished it off from our base LOL.

Man it felt good to do that. Got some GG's and well done Admiral in chat. Big mouth reported me of course but the multiple +1's I got make up for it :-). The fact they finished mid on the bottom side, and I was 2nd (25 BXP behind Lyon in 1st), must have really twisted their panties LOL.

I mean yeah I only did 82K damage but WTH I was a T5 facing T6 and T7 BB's that overmatch me almost everywhere, and I don't them in return, plus I was the ONLY one who saw what was happening and defended the base. If I hadn't we would have lost. I killed 2 of their DD's, 3 Cruisers, and the BB. I mean yeah, I was a real pussy.



Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Manage to complete 5/6 of the latest missions for Wisconsinussy, tonight I'll try finish the last one. Either play some BBs, DDs or hope to get 4 kills. Shouldn't be too hard though 🤞

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1 hour ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Manage to complete 5/6 of the latest missions for Wisconsinussy, tonight I'll try finish the last one. Either play some BBs, DDs or hope to get 4 kills. Shouldn't be too hard though 🤞

Once you get it, would like to hear your take on how best to play it!

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