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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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4 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Seems like the T8 Submarine Always beats the T10 ships







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First (Asym -) battle with (stock - ) Mackensen. I survived as last man standing with only 145 HP (!) left and defended victory against all odds. BTW, more than 200 K dmg and 8 kills with this old TVI - lady. Had a T VII WV 44 on my team, which didn't even come close. 

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 135536.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 135551.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-04-26 135608.jpg

Edited by OT2_2
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14 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:


That's me in the background with my trophy wife 👀.

I told her not to post on social media 🤣.

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On EU, all low tier battles, but surprisingly, got W,L,W,W,W,W,W & L to earn a good number of NB stars (I think one each for all the battles). Every battle (all randoms, btw) had half human players hence had to play decently.

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Hi all,

My last battle in this Brawl... finished... all needed victories accomplished...






Leo "Apollo11"

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While just looking around today I saw that I broke 44K games in Co-op recently (been playing since Dec 2016). That is good enough for 67th on NA server (ie; most games played in the mode).

And before anyone says "OMG you have 44K Co-op games?" let me inform you that I am not even 1/2 way to matching the #1 person on NA who has 99K+ Co-op games, the #1 person on EU who has 103K+ Co-op games, or the #1 person on SEA who has 122K+. LOL.

I literally play daily pretty much and for hours. Can't even fathom that number of games. Don't know the EU or SEA players but do the one from NA and it is not a bot account so 99K actual games.




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7 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

OMG you have 44K Co-op games?

Please allow me to say your quote just once. 

Anyone with 44K games in any mode - all I can say is that's IMPRESSIVE...


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I'm puzzled why, in 44K co-op games, you destroyed only 8 ships.

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5 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I'm puzzled why, in 44K co-op games, you destroyed only 8 ships.

That's most in a battle.  AT has placed almost 66,000 red ships at the bottom of the sea.

If you look at your co-op battles, you, too, have 8 listed as most in a battle.

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4 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I'm puzzled why, in 44K co-op games, you destroyed only 8 ships.

That stat is most ships in 1 game not the total of all games. I have sunk (currently) 65,821 in total over the 44K games.


Of note that 8 kill game was back when Co-op only had 8 p/ side so I got them all (only time so far), the bots could actually shoot, and we still had RTS CV's. Also had an NA forum member in game with me who witnessed it which was kind of cool.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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3 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:
4 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I'm puzzled why, in 44K co-op games, you destroyed only 8 ships.

That stat is most ships in 1 game not the total of all games. I have sunk (currently) 65,821 in total over the 44K games.

As soon as @HogHammer pointed out that it's max kills in a game, I remembered that I knew that. Duh.  Otherwise, it was an observation on my part that bugged me because it didn't make sense.  Wait a minute...8 out of 8 kills.  Dang that had to be fun.


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When the red CV wants to sink you.  😁
(Huanghe is a naughty little thing anyway)


Btw, this was a very pleasant game.

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Posted (edited)

After 2 more Random battle losses in WV44, including one of the biggest throws I have ever seen (good God I am never going to get that ship over 50% it is so far down the losses rabbit hole now 😞 ), I decided it was time for some lower tier fun without the stress. Guilio and Wyoming wins (the norm for me in them) and then I saw old Ishizuchi sitting there in port all sad as I haven't taken it out in almost 2 years. So, what the heck. Off I went.

7 humans a side and I actually got teammates who understood how to play low tier games with bots and standard mode. Well, 4 of them anyway (the other 2 yolo'd and died right off). Even though we got down pretty bad at one point we stuck to the no yolo push, defend the base, and focus the human players 1st if possible plan. The reds got over confident with a 3 ship lead and started coming. We just focused them down and forced the others back. It was glorious and played PERFECTLY by our side. At the end I was on the east flank and the TX and DD were on the west, with the CV at the back out of harms way, so we had a good crossfire as they pushed and our CV was safe.

I didn't even realize I had 7 kills until the end. I actually got their 2 BB div and their 2 DD div myself. Ended up taking out 6 of their 7 human players including the CV at the end for the win. Man were their BB's mad LOL. I just BBQ'd them with Ishi (its AP is terrible but the HE is amazing).

Fun game. Does this make me a seal clubber?




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8 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Does this make me a seal clubber?

No. The seal clubbing happened when you played the WV'44, only that the seals were unfortunately on your team.

I generally disagree with assertions that Tier IV or even Tier III battles make one a seal clubber, because generally the seals sail straight and true to high tiers faster than a 4-minute Co-op match. And with your battle in the Ishizuchi, you even have Ranked Players on the enemy team, rendering any concept of seal clubbing patently false.

Good job, as usual. Makes me want to reach out for the Duguay-Trouin once again.


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My first time to get a Double Strike with the Druid. 😄


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4 hours ago, Frostbow said:

I generally disagree with assertions that Tier IV or even Tier III battles make one a seal clubber, because generally the seals sail straight and true to high tiers faster than a 4-minute Co-op match.

Very true and well said!

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Had a nice game in asym with Sturdy this morning


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Posted (edited)

I didn't get ALL of the achievements in one game...but I got a lot of them.  Bonus = I needed four more citadels to finish that task for this week's Dock Yard missions.



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Kiting, dodging, trying, after dodging the Salamon, the other sub said No you wont survive. We lost the game against two subs. Nobody who was left alive couldnt even see them, they just killed the rest.

Subs are one of the worst implementation in any game I have seen so far. Fight what you cant see, dodge what you cant dodge.


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1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Kiting, dodging, trying, after dodging the Salamon, the other sub said No you wont survive. We lost the game against two subs. Nobody who was left alive couldnt even see them, they just killed the rest.

Subs are one of the worst implementation in any game I have seen so far. Fight what you cant see, dodge what you cant dodge.


Might want to review the videos on @ArIskandir's youtube channel.
He's demonstrated multiple times how to perform anti-submarine-warfare with panache.

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On 5/1/2024 at 5:23 AM, desmo_2 said:

I didn't get ALL of the achievements in one game...but I got a lot of them.  Bonus = I needed four more citadels to finish that task for this week's Dock Yard missions.



Well done!

I have had 6 in a game quite a few times but don't recall ever getting 7 like that. That's awesome.

Only achievements to elude me to date are the new Combat Scout one (no surprise as I pretty much only play BB in Randoms and thus I'm unlikely to get that one) and the flooding one. 

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Skynet must suffer.

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15 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


Skynet must suffer.

"Order flowers for the widows."


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The new Twitch drop mission calls for 24 fires or torp hits. I have everything else done (dockyard week 4, battlepass, etc...) so I decided to focus on it for my last few games today. Normally I would just go to Co-op with Smolensk but Co-op is a mess right now with everyone doing dockyard tasks so I actually decided to go grab ol' reliable for fires, the BBQ god, KGV and play a random battle. 


Started off slow with neither side doing much and 2 caps apiece then all of a sudden 1/2 my team was gone??? The entire west flank vanished and we were down all 4 caps at one point. But there was a small group of us on the East flank (me in KGV, Colorado, Nagato, and Leander) and we fought back to keep us in it and turned it around. We got 2 caps back and began focusing them 1 at a time.

I went after their almost full HP Scharnhorst while the others tried to get into the other 2 red caps to stop pts and get the last 2 red ships as we were running out of time. They got the 2 ships and got in 1 of the caps slowing the pts enough to keep us in the game while I took on the Scharn as it tried to run from me. With 1:30 to go before a red pt win I landed a 3X perma fire salvo and burned it to the waterline for the W.


One of the best games I have had in Randoms in a long time and I don't mean me personally. I mean overall. It was a hard, back and forth, fight that went to the end and wasn't just a stomp. No one got salty and toxic either. Was a fun game. And on top of a win I got 15/24 fires which is a big help. I will finish in Co-op now.

Not a massive and amazing game but it was fun and that is always a noteworthy "achievement" in WOWS Randoms LOL.






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