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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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Had a nice bottom Tier Kraken games in Missouri. We were loosing hard but when the Montana that had my broadside died I could turn in and push in and kill their remaining 4 ships in short succession.






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My greatest achievement today is finding out about this, really funny



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Nothing amazing but an actual win for me in WV44!!!

I have been trying to expand the ships I play in Randoms, beyond the few regular ones, so I decided to give WV44 a go last weekend as I got it when it 1st came out and had never played it in Randoms before. Bad idea LOL.

Went 0-3 and had awful games where I was bottom tier on huge maps and could do very little. Did what I could but I was out ranged and so slow (even with Brisk + flag) I could never really get in the fight. I had CQE's in 2 of the 3 but they came late when we were already steamrolled and the red DD's were coming for me. Not a good start.

I have a minimum 50% WR in every BB I have played in Randoms so 0-3 isn't going to work for me LOL. Just took it out for a spin and finally got that 1st win. Actually, had good MM overall plus was TT. Had a decent game with it finally. My team tried to throw late but in the end it was a win. 

I wonder how many games it will take to get it to 50% now? Chances of going 2-0 are slim but I can hope LOL.






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First "Ranked Battle" for me during this update. Good fight, good team and good results. Satisfied. 

Skjermbilde 2024-04-18 133056.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-04-18 133115.jpg

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Hi all,

Ranked Silver...






Leo "Apollo11"

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As long as we are talking about Asymmetric Battles...


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218 K dmg and 1. Rank in a standard battle / Asym on "Kaga". Was forced to play the last 7 - 8 min on my own, but got it handled. Pulled both the game and victory. As gratitude I was reported ... Lots of sick people around. 

Skjermbilde 2024-04-23 120022.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-04-23 120039.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-04-23 120058.jpg

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1 hour ago, OT2_2 said:

As gratitude I was reported ...

Yep.  "CV Life".  😉 

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I recently hit my one year anniversary playing WoWs. Received a number of goodies!



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Not really an "achievement", but I find late night Mikasa games not too interesting nor challenging, but relatively funny and relaxing. Especially if you end up with one player per team, and then full bots...




She was fantastic to farm signals, back when achievements awarded you some. I stockpiled A LOT of secondary flags thanks to her.

Poor V-25, he had no chance 😞

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On 4/12/2024 at 6:08 PM, Kynami said:

Won a match while grouped up and going for division stars... Weegee threw a real curve ball of a handicap this match. In what was nominally a T8-T9 match we got handed a two man division of a T6 and T7...


Nice win! That is usually me in the T6 or T7 ships facing off against T8/9, or so it seems all too often... 😉


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TL;DR I was permaspotted by planes, chased halfway across the map, ended up winning and surviving, sank two of my pursuers and a sub to boot.


Hard to say "greatest", this was very frustrating.  I took out Jager into Randoms since there is a mission for Euro ships (otherwise I should just quit them, I do so much better in IJN torp boats than in Euro torp boats).  Got into a Tier IX Domination battle with one CV per side.  The red Lexington did not bother me at all.  

I spawned on the NorthWest side of the North map, with a sub and a div of Colorados.  I pushed into A cap but was turned back by an aggressive Benson.  Though the red DD got sunk they had a strong push of MainzB, Zieten, Sinop, I-56, and behind them a Nebraska.  Our sub and the Colorados got sunk leaving them all chasing me.  No problem right?  DD is faster than all of those ships... but the Nebraska decided to become my nemesis.

NE launched some planes and just kept me spotted.  Lousy Jager AA could not do a thing, I shot down no planes the entire battle, while he hovered over me allowing MainzB, Zieten and Sinop to take free shots while chasing me.  I had to zig and zag constantly dodging, while spitting out torps at the chasers (about at my 12km range) as often as I could.  Fortunately they only had their forward batteries, and they missed most of the time, but I was basically non-stop spotted, because Nebraska decided to just mess with me while his lumbering BB hull got left behind his faster allies.  By the time he finally decided to drop his bombs, what do you know, the cooldown on his bombers had expired and the next strike was ready to go!

From once being in A cap in the far west I had fled nearly to the NorthEast corner with Mainz and Sinop in pursuit (Zieten had dropped off to try something more constructive) while still spotted by Nebraska planes.  Eventually their lack of success in finishing me off, coupled with their team dropping behind on points, and my regular torpedo salvoes plinking their bows caused them to turn away, and I did actually sink both MainzB (4 torp hits, 2 floods) and Sinop (6 torp hits, 5 floods), causing the MainzB commander to swear in all-chat.

We won by taking all 3 caps and getting to 1000 points (I did gun down the I-56 at the end, and thanks to the rest of my team for sweeping across the middle of the map), and I survived 779,300 potential damage.  It felt so helpless to be on the wrong end of the asymmetric warfare in this one, and it is the first time that I could really feel that I was being griefed by planes in WoWs.  Sure we won, the reds could have been more productive doing something else besides chasing me, but I certainly did not have fun in the battle.  Even with 3 ship kills I finished seventh on our team in XP (82k direct and only 4k spotting damage!).  Oh, and I did not even get a Cap nor Defend ribbon, so made no progress on the mission.   😔

Edited by Mono_De_Mantequilla
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New personal best damage and BXP for a Co-op game. Even broke 1 Million credits in Co-op. 








Edited by AdmiralThunder
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11 hours ago, Mono_De_Mantequilla said:

Hard to say "greatest", this was very frustrating.  I took out Jager into Randoms since there is a mission for Euro ships (otherwise I should just quit them, I do so much better in IJN torp boats than in Euro torp boats).  Got into a Tier IX Domination battle with one CV per side.  The red Lexington did not bother me at all.  

I spawned on the NorthWest side of the North map, with a sub and a div of Colorados.  I pushed into A cap but was turned back by an aggressive Benson.  Though the red DD got sunk they had a strong push of MainzB, Zieten, Sinop, I-56, and behind them a Nebraska.  Our sub and the Colorados got sunk leaving them all chasing me.  No problem right?  DD is faster than all of those ships... but the Nebraska decided to become my nemesis.

NE launched some planes and just kept me spotted.  Lousy Jager AA could not do a thing, I shot down no planes the entire battle, while he hovered over me allowing MainzB, Zieten and Sinop to take free shots while chasing me.  I had to zig and zag constantly dodging, while spitting out torps at the chasers (about at my 12km range) as often as I could.  Fortunately they only had their forward batteries, and they missed most of the time, but I was basically non-stop spotted, because Nebraska decided to just mess with me while his lumbering BB hull got left behind his faster allies.  By the time he finally decided to drop his bombs, what do you know, the cooldown on his bombers had expired and the next strike was ready to go!

From once being in A cap in the far west I had fled nearly to the NorthEast corner with Mainz and Sinop in pursuit (Zieten had dropped off to try something more constructive) while still spotted by Nebraska planes.  Eventually their lack of success in finishing me off, coupled with their team dropping behind on points, and my regular torpedo salvoes plinking their bows caused them to turn away, and I did actually sink both MainzB (4 torp hits, 2 floods) and Sinop (6 torp hits, 5 floods), causing the MainzB commander to swear in all-chat.

We won by taking all 3 caps and getting to 1000 points (I did gun down the I-56 at the end, and thanks to the rest of my team for sweeping across the middle of the map), and I survived 779,300 potential damage.  It felt so helpless to be on the wrong end of the asymmetric warfare in this one, and it is the first time that I could really feel that I was being griefed by planes in WoWs.  Sure we won, the reds could have been more productive doing something else besides chasing me, but I certainly did not have fun in the battle.  Even with 3 ship kills I finished seventh on our team in XP (82k direct and only 4k spotting damage!).  Oh, and I did not even get a Cap nor Defend ribbon, so made no progress on the mission.   😔

Job well done.  🙂 

For what it is worth, that was a smart play by the Nebraska, given what they had to work with and how stealthy you  were in comparision.
But, you lured them out of position and whittled-down their HP. 
So, you out-played their play.  Good on'ya. 

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Being on a team that worked somewhat together to beat some purples and getting - karma. Didn't say a word cos I'm on chat ban til 9 May



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On 4/17/2024 at 10:01 PM, AdmiralThunder said:

I wonder how many games it will take to get it to 50% now? Chances of going 2-0 are slim but I can hope LOL.

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You can actually calculate how many games.  Winning percentage calculators are out there and I used them to "get a picture" of how many games it will take to bump up a 10th of a percentage point.   My goal this year is 99% in COOP...  I'm getting close.   

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A decent game in Chikuma II, it's a very solid upgrade to Tone!



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Seems like the T8 Submarine Always beats the T10 ships






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Schleiffen in Asym is still a Beast!






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