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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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Good brawl in Karl XIV Johan. Citadels and torp hits in quick order. 😁 

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Skjermbilde 2024-04-04 223432.jpg

Edited by OT2_2
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Not exactly "great" but 1st Random battle in the NC (I used the Premium CLR version so I could use one of my 21pt Capt's). Not a ton of damage ( I spent a lot of the game shielding our CV's from the DD and providing AA help as both red CV's went for our Kaga and I was trying to keep it alive). I did manage 1st place with 2222 BXP though as I solo capped, did a lot of the damage to the red's only DD, and got an AA Def Expert. Of the 57 planes 5 were fighters and 2 were ASW so 50 strike planes down. Not bad.

I wish our CV's had been willing to drop fighters for me at the end (you know return the favor for me covering them early - LOL too much to ask for I guess). I got into a cap and was trying to take it with the 2 red CV's on the other side of the bordering mountains (they were the only 2 ships left) and they just swarmed me under eventually despite repeated pleas for a fighter. I didn't get any until it was too late (and for some reason the CV dropped it 7km from me away from where the red planes were??? - had they dropped on or near me I lived).

I got robbed of a Flesh Wound Achievement too as I managed to get a salvo off right as the AVP got me with a torp. That salvo finished off the red Pobeda well within the time limit for it to happen and is what ended the game. Robbed I say...robbed! LOL.

But it was a win, the 1st time out in the ship, with an AA Def Expert no less so will take it. Was nice to be able to fight those 2 CV's off for most of the game too. We need more of that vs the way most ships get walked over by CV's. I can only imagine my plane kill total if I had AA upgrade skills and modules like we had back in RTS days (none of the current ones used - stock ship AA wise).

EDIT - just noticed I got a +1 for the game. Went and checked and that made it an even 3200!




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Had a nice little Pommern match. She's very nice in Pinata mode, great for making money as well.


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Michelangelo in Pinata today 🤪 😎

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Finally managed to get the annoying campaign mission of "10 citadels in one match" done...

Screenshot 2024-04-07 171657.png

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Missouri still delivers boatloads of Cash!                     Money... money ... money ........ MOOOoooney!





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Gotta LOVE the Asashio!





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It still takes about 53 000 damage for a T8 Sub to get first place in a T10 game with 3000 BASE XP.......

Gotta LOOOOOOVE balanced Submarine class.....





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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Gotta LOVE balanced Submarine class.....


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Playing DD is so sweaty nowdays 


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5 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

Playing DD is so sweaty nowdays 


But for you, "It was Tuesday".  😉 

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Got the Sicilia, and within 10 games I earned a Kraken and this cool 3k win!

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Sunk 5 ships while sailing my A. Parseval in an Asymmetric battle.
Was eventually sunk, but two of my team-mates perservered and sank the remaining red-team ships to carry us to Victory.  🙂 

New Dawn - Asymmetric Battle - Standard
Battle start time:  10.04.2024  21:50

A. Parseval sunk by main battery from :Goltz: Andrea Doria

151,250 credits  2415 XP  1248 FreeXP
82140 damage scored
3 torp hits
15 bomb hits
4 incapacitations
5 ships sunk
1 fire set
1 flooding caused
8 citadel hits
2 defended ribbons
31 sec-bat hits scored
9 spotting ribbons

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Exciting and demanding asym battle on "Yamato". Last man standing and with time running out I cleared the path to victory during the last seconds of the game. Have been complemented as well. 😁

Skjermbilde 2024-04-11 082844.jpg

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Skjermbilde 2024-04-11 082905.jpg

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Some days the non meta ships really do deliver. Just got to bring my A game.



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First "real" battle in my brand new "Hornet". Played and relied on just one team mate, who wasn't a complete catastrophy but still very green. Looks like CVs do like me and I like CVs. 😁 I had lots of training lately and that pays off. I have to confess that i'm pretty proud about how I played and the result. Lord Zath's support and advice did help immensely. Thx. again for that.

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Skjermbilde 2024-04-12 090514.jpg

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This little thing is annoying as f*ck... like the kinda itch you can never reach.  🙂



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Wisconsin reached the 200 k dmg marker today 🎇🎇

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Skærmbillede (811).png

Edited by Cammo1962
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Won a match while grouped up and going for division stars... Weegee threw a real curve ball of a handicap this match. In what was nominally a T8-T9 match we got handed a two man division of a T6 and T7. And there was no equivalent of even a T7 on the opposing team!


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Hi all,

Ranked Silver... keep carrying on... 🙂






Leo "Apollo11"

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5 minutes ago.
3rd battle with the ship of the new branch. 10 points commander
I did not ask for so much.



But, wow...  this thing accelerates like a tortoise under sedative. 🧐


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This was my second Kraken Unleashed today, after gaining one in the Huanghe earlier. Nothing happened until everyone started sailing broadside in front of me.



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Solo Warrior in my Kagero!


I was left alone vs Kansas, WV'44, Col.Bolonesi and Salmon.  We had a very slight points lead, A cap, reds had C cap and were just completing taking B cap off of us.  I thought to myself, "I would be pretty confident if not for the sub."  WV'44 and Col.Bolonesi just sailed into B as Kansas completed that capture, so I sent one torp rack at each and sank both, which got us back the points lead.  Salmon was (undetected) taking A cap, and Kansas ran that way but too slowly, I torped him under while taking B back.  I then had a choice: head to A and fight the sub to try to get Kraken Unleashed, or speed boost to C and cap it back to make sure we did not lose the lead.  I chose the latter, capped C right as time expired and we won on points.

No comps, though I bet most of the team had quit after being sunk, figuring we would lose, since there was no chat at all.  I actually got reported (!) maybe someone would have rather seen a final 1v1 than me taking the "easy" way to the win.

Edited by Mono_De_Mantequilla
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I believe that I was deleted from 100% health for the first time today; In Sejong I took 5 AP rounds from a PR for 33850 of 33850 hitpoints lol. 

Perle Nere

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23 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

I believe that I was deleted from 100% health for the first time today; In Sejong I took 5 AP rounds from a PR for 33850 of 33850 hitpoints lol. 

Perle Nere


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