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Just the daily outing in the Golden Lion


2 500 Base XP






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Mighty Miss .... ALWAYS Delivers ......... Coins!





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Also ...... Red Carrier thought he might strike my Golden Lion ...... Planes evaporate and 30 K plane damage done ... in one sitting...



overly manly man memes | quickmeme

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23 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Mighty Miss .... ALWAYS Delivers ......... Coins!





Dont know if I mentioned the Mighty Miss! 

Well .... she always delivers!


Qwaaaacken Baabeeyy!





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After a sad defeat on BB Colombo (blow out) I went on to another battle with "Anhalt" and secured victory as last man standing for my team in a very tight finish against three. 

Skjermbilde 2024-03-23 200556.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-03-23 200607.jpg

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A while back, I decided to purchase some Royal Navy Destroyers containers with a little coal. I really like the RN DD's and this selection just fit with that interest. I also noticed that one could get some permanent camoflage–including for the Haida. While I do not have this vessel right now, it is near the top of my list of ones that I want to acquire. I just got my Canadian citizenship a week ago (immigrated from the good ol' US of A–I note that my life path brought me here as opposed to my having any issue with the US and I am now a dual citizen), a (non-game) achievement I suppose and one underscores my interest in the Haida (and Huron). In any event, the RN DD containers activated the collection, and this evening I finally completed it after some fun operations helped unlock some daily containers. Now I have new permanent camo not only for the Lightning, a DD that I have played often and love, but I now have some camo waiting for that hoped-for moment when I get the Haida.



Edited by RedLimitFreeway
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Nice battle with "Akizuki" in "Ranked Bronze". Finally it's going forward. ☺️

Skjermbilde 2024-03-24 110554.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-03-24 110606.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-03-24 110655.jpg

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9 minutes ago, Yedwy said:



Well you didn't go down without a fight, and you remained afloat.  🙂 

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Played my Gneisenau in random, have just the stock upgrade yet as I am in a regrind situation.

I just thought it was fun that I on the Shards map got a share in all the 3 caps starting from bottom left to upper right.

I was midtier and was pointwise helped by an helpful Sinop who I got 3 broadside salvos on to sink, seemed totally unaware but thanks o lot. 


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1 hour ago, Gnirf said:

Played my Gneisenau in random, have just the stock upgrade yet as I am in a regrind situation.

I just thought it was fun that I on the Shards map got a share in all the 3 caps starting from bottom left to upper right.

I was midtier and was pointwise helped by an helpful Sinop who I got 3 broadside salvos on to sink, seemed totally unaware but thanks o lot. 


First class result! Love the Gneisenau despite what others say. Together with Nagato my most successful BB on TVII in Random Battles, and I have literally a pile of TVII BB. 

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Finally got out of the red to-day and into the orange. So while you might say, 'you're still a potato!'; the thing is I am not the worst potato. Going from 41% to 47% took about 1% a month for six months.

To go from orange to yellow is only 2%age points. So while I'm giving myself another 6 months run to get the account square around 5o%, it really might not take as long.

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So, today was the day for the login for the 2X SC's from the daily shipments for me.

SC #1 was actually my 600th SC and it didn't disappoint:



The 2nd SC wasn't bad either:




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Sailed my Conde' into a Co-op battle.
I was the only human.  Eight 'Bots on my green-team.  Nine 'Bots on the red-team.
Every ship was a "supership".

I scored 173,699 damage and earned 432,791 credits (with modifiers included, such as economic boosts), along with 3,980 XP and 969 FreeXP.
In the process, I scored 115 main-gun hits, 4 torpedo hits, shot down 3 aircraft, inflicted 5 incapacitations, sank 3 ships, set 6 fires, caused 2 floodings, made 1 citadel hit, defended an area once and scored 53 secondary battery hits.

I see the Victory! screen after the battle and think to myself ...
"Hey.  That's pretty good.  Let's see the leader-board screen."

So, I get to the leader-board screen and see that my team-mate, ":Martinengo:", has been a busy 'Bot.  
They sank 1 ship and earned 729 BaseXP compared with my 689 BaseXP.  
They got the #1 spot on the leader-board and I got the #2 spot.

I smiled and thought "Every once in a while, a 'Bot levels-up."  

Well played, :Martinengo:, well played.  🙂 DrinkingWolfKampai_facebooksticker_saved_08-10-2022_.jpg.0377579576815b619e5af96bb3539fd8.jpg  

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On 3/22/2024 at 10:28 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Mighty Miss .... ALWAYS Delivers ......... Coins!






On 3/22/2024 at 10:53 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Dont know if I mentioned the Mighty Miss! 

Well .... she always delivers!


Qwaaaacken Baabeeyy!





Have I mentioned the Mighty Miss? The Mighty Mo!?!

...................Well she Delivers!



3000 Base XP! 

Also fun when enemy CV Guy starts to talk a lotta shit in chat .... he apparently thought they had the game .........


                                                                                                                           ........ they Didnt!




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Its not every day you take 5 Caps in a DD .... In a 3 Cap Domination game...... but in Vampire II, its kind of a breeze.....






Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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For me who started playing CV lately this was a very hard battle. I did literally everything for my team and the win, but failed ultimately. As so often before. Seemingly this game is only for people with strong nerves and a pretty big touch of masochism. Second account though.

Skjermbilde 2024-03-26 175552.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-03-26 175559.jpg

Edited by OT2_2
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-2 karma after the match... 🤣



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4 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Seemingly this game is only for people with strong nerves and a pretty big touch of masochism. Second account though.

Heh.  😄 
Welcome to "CV life", where we fuel our planes with the tears of our opponents!  
Or use whichever tears arrive on our gang-plank, we're not too picky,  😉 

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On Assia server;


I convinced a (guess win rate)%er in a Montana that my Tashkent with 8km concealment is not suitable for contesting cap vs an undetected Kitakaze in the first 3 mins of a battle (which was a win). He gave me quite a vicious haranguing in chat about my abilities in a DD and if I wasn't prepared to spot DDs I shouldn't be playing in a DD....

After battle chat with him was long, but after I presented to him a number of scenarios that were possible if I'd followed his suggestions, he eventually agreed with me that I do actually have a clue.


Assia server Tashkent stats;

Tashkent Asia.jpg

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I didn't rage quit after this one and the ones before it. I consider that an achievement.




fkn game.jpg

fkn game 2.jpg

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8 hours ago, Nautic_Hunt said:

he eventually agreed with me that I do actually have a clue.

 😄 👍

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