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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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Now, this is only a low tier 3 battle and most of the other players are bots too but... it's still nice, and since it's nonetheless technically a random battle there's that Kraken too.



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Just earned my one and only Solo Warrior on my main account. 4 of my 5 kills were against human players in a game that was 50% human on both teams. Furry Taco is such a sweet ride. 


Screenshot 2024-02-05 133924.png




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On 2/4/2024 at 10:17 AM, Admiral_Karasu said:

@SirDixie Haven't run into you earlier, welcome aboard!

I've been lurking for a while but not saying anything. Stranger danger and all that 🙂

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Two-human co-op and my other human died before me (having achieved quite a bit, I must say; his base XP wasn't that far behind mine). Just me in my Hakuryu:


My last kill was with less than a minute on the clock:


I think that might be a live-server damage record for me. 

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Hi all,

Almost "Kraken" in the "Ranked Silver"...






Leo "Apollo11"

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The ship that I love to play. Hard to play this little nasty DD correctly but when stars align, it's a pleasure. 🙂


Not a lot of damage, I agree, but the reward lies elsewhere :

I really like to be the little one who's martyrising the bigger ones 🙂

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A Kraken of a start this morning! I have so much fun in this ship since the new Legendary module gives you 3 stackable airstrikes and shorter cooldown. 110 K outa the airdrops alone.





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Hayate post-buffs, took it out for a spin and now the red bots hate me:


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As member of a horror team, one of many this evening, I tried my very best with no countable success at the end. Randoms are toxic within themselves due to not functioning MM and an excess of RNG. Played with a clan mate, and we were the only ones who actually did sink enemy ships, five in total. First place for me on the ranking list, good performance and worsened WR as result. And then called "joy of game". 

Skjermbilde 2024-02-11 203853.jpg

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This was from a few days ago but I had this amazing game in the Kirov, for clarity yes there was a mix of bots and players but, it was about 50% players and 50% bots so I still think it is a nice achievement. I am I think #3 on Kirov damage on NA? I am not sure, anyways it was an insane game and by the end of it (my team died and I was the only one remaining), I managed to kill a Pyotr Velikiy with the 4 km torps.




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Yes, it's co-op; yes, there were three green bots and a human that was AFK. Still...




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On 2/8/2024 at 9:45 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Two-human co-op and my other human died before me

12 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Yes, it's co-op

Isn't this thread about Greatest Gaming Achievements? 

Not to belittle Co-op or PVE play, I am also a player who enjoys Co-op and Operations; however, if we mix Co-op gameplay with PVP gameplay it:

  • gives the wrong impression that Co-op is comparable to a real player versus player battle, and,
  • it hugely disrespects the gaming achievements that were righteously earned through smart play in a PVP environment where the opponents are not dumbed down bots but real players who can spank your ship if you play dumb like the bots in Co-op.

We already have a dedicated thread for Co-op games/achievements;. We even have a thread about achieving 1000+ Base XP in Co-op. Co-op scores should go there, not here.


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2 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Isn't this thread about Greatest Gaming Achievements? 

Not to belittle Co-op or PVE play, I am also a player who enjoys Co-op and Operations; however, if we mix Co-op gameplay with PVP gameplay it:

  • gives the wrong impression that Co-op is comparable to a real player versus player battle, and,
  • it hugely disrespects the gaming achievements that were righteously earned through smart play in a PVP environment where the opponents are not dumbed down bots but real players who can spank your ship if you play dumb like the bots in Co-op.

We already have a dedicated thread for Co-op games/achievements;. We even have a thread about achieving 1000+ Base XP in Co-op. Co-op scores should go there, not here.


I can understand the desire to properly sort the topics/posts according to their categories for description and organization purposes (random battles in one topic, Co-op battles in another topic).

That said, I'm simply weary of players touting random battles as the best examples of good play.
Co-op battles are more aggressive and the players (humans and bots) are more often closing to within "brawling" or even "point blank" ranges.
Random "mains" hiding behind islands and hanging back at nearly the border of the map are NOT inspirational acts of bravery in my opinion.
Until radom battles are so saturated with devil-may-care actions wherein uncommon gallantry is commonplace, I'm going to disagree with the actual or implied snobbery exhibited by some people towards Co-op players and the Co-op mode.

Do I make myself clear?  🙂 

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3 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Random "mains" hiding behind islands and hanging back at nearly the border of the map are NOT inspirational acts of bravery in my opinion.

I understand that; and I also understand that there are reasons why players in Random Battles use island cover wisely and not yolo like in Co-op, because yolo in Random Battles is a sure way to predispose your team to defeat. Sure, you can bring your Co-op playstyle to Random Battles but smartly using map features is even more inspirational compared to Co-op aggressiveness. There is a time and place for everything.

7 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I can understand the desire to properly sort the topics/posts according to their categories for description and organization purposes (random battles in one topic, Co-op battles in another topic).

That is the main point I am raising. Co-op scores go to our PVE section. There are dedicated threads there for Co-op scores. Let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles.

8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I'm simply weary of players touting random battles as the best examples of good play.

Random Battles is a game mode, not an example of 'good play'. What should be made clear is how a player did his part that resulted in achievements such as Kraken, High Caliber, Dreadnought, etc. All these can be earned in PVP, and a player simply cannot just play like Co-op in a PVP match and hope to get said achievements for his/her team.

11 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Co-op battles are more aggressive and the players (humans and bots) are more often closing to within "brawling" or even "point blank" ranges.

Correct. All the more reason to post Co-op scores to the PVE thread, and not here.

12 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I'm going to disagree with the actual or implied snobbery exhibited by some people towards Co-op players and the Co-op mode.

Whether that 'snobbery' is actual or implied towards Co-op players and Co-op mode, is besides the point.

The point is proper posting of scores. Co-op scores should be posted to the PVE thread, and not here. 

Let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles by not mixing it with Co-op scores. 

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47 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Isn't this thread about Greatest Gaming Achievements?

Yes, it is. What that means, however, isn't defined in any way, the same as I think it was on the official World of Warships Forum.

I myself remember one time proudly declaring that my 'greatest gaming achievement' was logging in the game.

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3 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I understand that; and I also understand that there are reasons why players in Random Battles use island cover wisely and not yolo like in Co-op, because yolo in Random Battles is a sure way to predispose your team to defeat. Sure, you can bring your Co-op playstyle to Random Battles but smartly using map features is even more inspirational compared to Co-op aggressiveness. There is a time and place for everything.

That is the main point I am raising. Co-op scores go to our PVE section. There are dedicated threads there for Co-op scores. Let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles.

Random Battles is a game mode, not an example of 'good play'. What should be made clear is how a player did his part that resulted in achievements such as Kraken, High Caliber, Dreadnought, etc. All these can be earned in PVP, and a player simply cannot just play like Co-op in a PVP match and hope to get said achievements for his/her team.

Correct. All the more reason to post Co-op scores to the PVE thread, and not here.

Whether that 'snobbery' is actual or implied towards Co-op players and Co-op mode, is besides the point.

The point is proper posting of scores. Co-op scores should be posted to the PVE thread, and not here. 

Let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles by not mixing it with Co-op scores. 

Oh, full of one's self we are.....Hmmmm?  BTW, I am not serious......humor and I am a terrible comedian....

Many of us PVE mains started in PVP and Randoms. A short stay, about 4,985 games or so, and those numbers are off my ruined memory - but, the point is that many of us have experienced PVP completely (less KOTS) and CHOSE, to be PVE mains for all sorts of reasons: 

  • Toxicity to the point of having to report some very angry players whom seem to be angry at the world; 
  • Realizing we are in fact playing World of Tanks on water (since, I a retired tanker).  I keep waiting to hear some say "Driver move out, Gunner take over...!
  • Simply put, Randoms aren't how the majority of naval warfare worked in the real world.  Only one map allows for WW1/2 Naval warfare and that is Open Ocean....  Where's there's no place to hide and teamwork = survival...

To each their own is how I approach this.  You praise that ^^^^ toxic, hot mess:    and,  the rest of us, very educated and humble gamers, whom are polite in game and seriously, help and support each other exist in PVE ! 

We'd win the Better Housekeeping Award !  The rest of you Hoofties......good luck with that hot mess...  [smiling emoji]]

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15 minutes ago, Asym said:

but, the point is that many of us have experienced PVP completely (less KOTS) and CHOSE, to be PVE mains for all sorts of reasons

What prompted you to enumerate the reasons why you chose to be PVE main? I am curious because I started my reply to this thread with the clear point that Co-op scores should be posted to the proper thread, and not about why one chose to be a PVE (or PVP) main.

18 minutes ago, Asym said:

To each their own is how I approach this.  You praise that ^^^^ toxic, hot mess:    and,  the rest of us, very educated and humble gamers, whom are polite in game and seriously, help and support each other exist in PVE ! 

Please point to me now where I praised, to quote your own words, "that ^^^^ toxic, hot mess:"

19 minutes ago, Asym said:

the rest of us, very educated and humble gamers, whom are polite in game and seriously, help and support each other exist in PVE ! 

What prompted you to declare that you are "very educated and humble gamers, whom are polite in game and seriously, help and support each other exist in PVE !"? The point of my reply is about posting Co-op scores to the proper thread. Again, as I have mentioned in my previous replies, let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles/Ranked Battles by not mixing it or mistaking it to be at par with Co-op scores. 


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27 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I myself remember one time proudly declaring that my 'greatest gaming achievement' was logging in the game.


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4 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

What prompted you to enumerate the reasons why you chose to be PVE main? I am curious because I started my reply to this thread with the clear point that Co-op scores should be posted to the proper thread, and not about why one chose to be a PVE (or PVP) main.

Please point to me now where I praised, to quote your own words, "that ^^^^ toxic, hot mess:"

What prompted you to declare that you are "very educated and humble gamers, whom are polite in game and seriously, help and support each other exist in PVE !"? The point of my reply is about posting Co-op scores to the proper thread. Again, as I have mentioned in my previous replies, let us accord due respect to achievements earned in Random Battles/Ranked Battles by not mixing it or mistaking it to be at par with Co-op scores. 


This thread is called "What were your greatest gaming achievements today?" 

I don't give a flying whatever whether that constitutes an experienced player's Solo Warrior in bottom tier against a superunicum division or the best co-op game a beginner ever had in their Black Swan.

It's whatever a player did on a particular day of which they are most proud.

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