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What Were Your Greatest Gaming Achievements Today ?


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5 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

hmm...what would the point of making a painful agony last ? 😁


Sudden-Death Overtime games.  🙂 

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4 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Epic win:

Wish I could come across such nice enemy BBs that volunteer their broadside to me...

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4 hours ago, BlueNautilus said:

Wish I could come across such nice enemy BBs that volunteer their broadside to me...

They did not volunteer. They have been angling and impossible to damage the whole game. I thought I could flank them taking advantage of the cyclone. It worked out perfectly in the end.

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Never had this before in Randoms! Nine victories and only one defeat in a row. Used to losing streaks this was a very pleasant remedy. Thanks to my clan - mate with whom I played together in a division.

Skjermbilde 2024-01-21 184756.png

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19 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Thanks to my clan - mate with whom I played together in a division.

You should do that more often 🙂 Most people have better chance in random etc. when they play in a div.

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I'm in love. 😍😁 Italian CA Venezia beats them all. The new submarine "radar" makes her a dream come true. This CA is about superlatives IMHO. You can't get it better. Almost 2300 Base - XP and first rank. WoW's testserver. Skjermbilde2024-01-22175658.thumb.png.dd2adf1cb06026a7a3f16df4a2ff920a.pngSkjermbilde2024-01-22175636.thumb.png.6783813643c8305e2af4e3ad4ee7bece.png

Skjermbilde 2024-01-22 175645.png

Edited by OT2_2
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Kagero in a Tier IX battle.  We got down early, but I pulled it back with a Double Strike and then 4 late kills.


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Hi all,

In order to win in Brawl "Silver" it loks like you have to do it all yourself and have 2-3 kills in order to win... but, unfortunately, when "teammates" are so bad that they die immediately at start you simply can't do anything and it is a roflstomp... at least now I have got all rewards for both "Bronze" and "Silver" in this Sprint...



Here is good game - for a change:






Ahh yes... and I bought a Halford... last Coal ship available for me for now...



Leo "Apollo11"

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2 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Ahh yes... and I bought a Halford... last Coal ship available for me for now...

Congratulations.  The Halford is a fun ship, in my opinion.  🙂 

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My achievement was today's session. Absolutely enjoyed playing, feeling chilled and relaxed afterwards.


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Finally got my first win with Independence...been coming top or in the top 3 of losing teams all week.

Got into a game where the enemy Independence didn't understand how to use the fighters, so I got 17 of his torpedo bombers...and also screened him off from freely using the other strike aircraft.

Had my lowest damage game (been averaging nearly 60k and only got 28k) but we got the win.

I'm slowly unlearning the 'strike only / always' crap that the rework CVs have been training me to do ever since 0.8.0.

Ah Air Superiority CVs...how I have missed you!

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cochrane, the CL that refuse to die



Edited by pepe_trueno
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i circle an island in my German destroyer gun down an enemy Japanese destroyer and launch torpedo's at a cruiser all with 5k of me the cruiser has started moving only to expose a destroyer behind her which eat torps and dies.

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8 hours ago, o4x4 said:

Achieved free premium ship today!



Good ship for Ops if you have trouble surviving...that heal is nice.

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Played my first Yugumo randombattle ever (I grinded it in some brawl mode or somesuch in one afternoon originally).

Of course I run F3 and main battery mod 3. 



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Hi all,

Almost Kraken in Ranked "Silver"... one salvo missing...






Leo "Apollo11"





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Somehow managed to survive a battle without instantly blowing up and come in at top of my team, playing Plymouth...


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4 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Dockyard done... 🙂

Enjoy!  I think it's a very fun ship.

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