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Unlocked Delhi, Hobart, and Uganda from the battle pass recently. Unlocked Elbing and Gouden Leeuw over the last few days, definitely not from abusing pinata farming to the tune of 200k+ xp. Nope, definitely not. 

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In exchange for Commonwealth tech-tree introductory event tokens, I welcomed the II Port Jackson.
The ship was delivered by Commander Edward Murray (3 skill points).


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It has been nearly four months since I posted under this thread. Back in December, I saw my fleet reach 100. It has now grown by 52%, and I crossed the 150 ship milestone in the past week with some tech tree acquisitions, including Fletcher and De MoinesHowever, it has been the new Commonwealth Cruiser line that has had me the most excited. This event hit around my BD, and I allow myself to splurge a little $$$ during this time, so I ended up acquiring the cruisers fairly quickly. Two that I have particularly enjoyed are Delhi and Uganda (shown below).

Many acquisitions happened around the Holidays–from Santa containers. Some gems that come to mind include the Hood, Jeager and Scarlet Thunder. Anyway, it has definitely been a time of fleet expansion.




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ship #607   didnt realise this one slipped past me  and was found in a container  with community tokens 




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45 minutes ago, Gaelic_knight said:

ship #607   didnt realise this one slipped past me  and was found in a container  with community tokens 


Ah, yes...USS Albany.  She was first given to me by Wargaming for the first World of Warships anniversary.  As a budding newbie player (I started on day 1 of Open Beta) I was desperately short of port slots and silver, and Albany was a bit of a turd (even by Tier 2 stats) because of her pathetic main battery range, which was exceeded by her concealment range.  You could be seen before you could shoot back.  So, I sold her off for the port slot.  Well, WG recognized their betrayal of Albany and buffed her gunnery range.  While still not particularly effective, she was a beautiful ship and I wanted her back.  I discovered WG had a mulligan clause that allowed the return of a previously relinquished premium ship within that year if you had the credits to pay for it and the port slot to accommodate it.  I had to work a bit to build the silver and to work for an open port slot, but my support ticket resulted in Albany forever returning to my port.

She may not be good, but she looks magnificent and I am glad to have her back.

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Splurged 2,500 doubloons to unlock the second-level of the Commonwealth Cruisers event battle-pass (just before I claimed the 20th stage of rewards).
In the process, I welcomed the Tier-6 premium Cruiser, the Mysore.  

The Mysore was delivered by Commander Mahendra Mehra (zero skill points).
He will be sent back to Shipbuilder's City with our thanks for a safe delivery.

Edited to add:  Recruited and assigned Commander Pradeep Ganesh (6 skill points) to be the Captain of the Mysore.


With both levels of the Commonwealth Cruisers event battle pass unlocked, I also recieved about 1,500 event tokens.
So, I'll probably be welcoming some more ships, soon.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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29 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

With both levels of the Commonwealth Cruisers event battle pass unlocked, I also recieved about 1,500 event tokens.
So, I'll probably be welcoming some more ships, soon.

Exchanged a number of Commonwealth Cruiser event tokens for the following ships.
The Tier-3 Caradoc (Delivered by George Anderson, 3 skill points)
The Tier-4 Dunedin  (Delivered by Bruce Jones, 3 skill points)
The Tier-5 Delhi  (Delivered by Rajesh Anand, 3 skill points)

Edited to add: 
Exchanged Commonwealth Cruiser event tokens to welcome the Tier-6 Cruiser, the Hobart. 
The Hobart was delivered by Commander Duncan Wilson (6 skill points).

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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On 4/4/2024 at 12:15 PM, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

definitely not from abusing pinata farming

Added another t9 (#69, noice) to my fleet a few days ago — Chung Mu. Again, without farming anything in pinata, of course. Besides mine clearing ribbons. Hseinyang may have started working for Midnight’s Mine Clearing Consortium.

Dropped an Orkan from the t8 crate in the armory chain when I opened those over the weekend. Not the best return on the doubloons spent, but certainly nicer than one of the subs or a duplicate of a ship I already own. And it was on my list of ships I was considering buying, so that’s kind of nice too.

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First day in the new farming mode, and I finished the last 50k I needed to unlock Mogador. With that, I’m at an even 400 ships in my anniversary/Christmas flake fleet, and very glad WG added the bonus rewards.

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For the Start of the Asymmetric Battles, i added this beauty to my port. I was considering getting Sicilia, but decided that Ohio is the better choice. Sicilia will have to wait a little bit longer.



Edited by UnrepentantSinner
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I just picked up ship #334, the Bourgogne. Admiral Charles- Henri Honore with 21 points will be at the helm when I can take her for a spin. Unfortunately, I forgot to add the steel coupon so I submitted a ticket and will have to wait to sail her.




Edited by Jagerbomb_2021
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Picked up the Wisconsin 2 days ago and I have in total 531 ships in my port

Skærmbillede (819).png

Edited by Cammo1962
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I decided to welcome another T10 battleship to my port today, the Ohio. William Halsey will be at the helm. Asymmetric battles are causing me to spend resources. 




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Last one for the night, T10 Grosser Kurfürst. Gunther Lutjens will be commanding this ship.




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Finished King Of The Seas collection and got HMS Collingwood-well she was free so cannot complain. ecde0f0703df2999804ae3d994dfb602.thumb.jpg.aebff9133aa124317520f645450755f7.jpgshot-24_04.16_23_59.23-0431.thumb.jpg.801079f6338efd85f8e6e3bdc7cf97d6.jpg


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3 minutes ago, Chysagon said:

Finished King Of The Seas collection and got HMS Collingwood-well she was free so cannot complain. ecde0f0703df2999804ae3d994dfb602.thumb.jpg.aebff9133aa124317520f645450755f7.jpgshot-24_04.16_23_59.23-0431.thumb.jpg.801079f6338efd85f8e6e3bdc7cf97d6.jpg


Her name reminds me of the Dark Shadows franchise.  🙂 
Congratulations on your new Collingwood.



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I bought the two German containers for coal, as I don't have a use for it anymore.
I don't care about the ship at all. I wanted the new Japanese camos and Chikuma instead, but no luck.

Without any surprise, guess what I got?


I REALLY wish we could trade stuff between players. I would have gladly done a 1:1 for the new Mogami camo with one of you.

More stuff for me next anniversary and Christmas, I guess?


Edit: I just realised I could purchase battle of the Somme containers, and finish the collection.

Another tier IX to the port!


Edited by Viridem
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bought 1 german container for the dubs and paid for 2 more with coal and i got 2 red,black,white linkable camo from the first 2 containers and the ship popped out of the last container  

tried her in asymmetric battles  but  i was in a potatoe team 





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2 hours ago, Viridem said:

I bought the two German containers for coal, as I don't have a use for it anymore.
I don't care about the ship at all. I wanted the new Japanese camos and Chikuma instead, but no luck.

Without any surprise, guess what I got?


I REALLY wish we could trade stuff between players. I would have gladly done a 1:1 for the new Mogami camo with one of you.

More stuff for me next anniversary and Christmas, I guess?


Edit: I just realised I could purchase battle of the Somme containers, and finish the collection.

Another tier IX to the port!



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15 minutes ago, Gaelic_knight said:

bought 1 german container for the dubs and paid for 2 more with coal and i got 2 red,black,white linkable camo from the first 2 containers and the ship popped out of the last container  

tried her in asymmetric battles  but  i was in a potatoe team 






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Between the recent Piñata event and the ongoing Asymmetric Battles, I have been progressing faster than typical through the usually slow upper-end of a number of tech tree lines. As another player noted above, this certainly has meant spending resources at a higher rate than typical. And, including a Golden Week addition, I have added ships 151 to 156 to my port. This includes the Kagero and Takahashi, both of which I have been enjoying.

I got the Fletcher while piñata-popping:


I love this ship, and have been collecting as many in-game variants as I can, which includes Kidd and Velos. The Fletcher is my fourth and I am really liking how she operates in the game.

Since I am on the topic of DDs, the I landed the Hayate via Golden Week tokens. In a funny way, when I saw the list of ships that could be obtained, I had the intuition in would be Hayate. I want the Chikuma II, but, alas, it may elude me this time. However, on the plus side, the Hayate is a DD, the class that I generally do the best with, and it adds to my paltry list of Tier X ships being number 5. Another plus for me is that this is a Japanese DD that has some decent guns along with some nice torps–given my tendency to play ships like the Fletcher, the Hayate fits fairly well inside my play style.


Speaking of Tier X, I also just obtained the Montana. This is my first ever Tier X BB. I gave her a test run in an AB last night and had a blast, delivering withering broadsides to some BBs and CAs. Ended up scoring 192,042 damage in my first game with this vessel. The many battles with the Iowa appear to have prepared me for using this ship.


So, overall, a nice time progressing through tech trees and gaining new ships. I really, really like the ABs and which this would become a permanent addition to the game.


Edited by RedLimitFreeway
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11 hours ago, RedLimitFreeway said:

Between the recent Piñata event and the ongoing Asymmetric Battles, I have been progressing faster than typical through the usually slow upper-end of a number of tech tree lines. As another player noted above, this certainly has meant spending resources at a higher rate than typical. And, including a Golden Week addition, I have added ships 151 to 156 to my port. This includes the Kagero and Takahashi, both of which I have been enjoying.

I got the Fletcher while piñata-popping:


I love this ship, and have been collecting as many in-game variants as I can, which includes Kidd and Velos. The Fletcher is my fourth and I am really liking how she operates in the game.

Since I am on the topic of DDs, the I landed the Hayate via Golden Week tokens. In a funny way, when I saw the list of ships that could be obtained, I had the intuition in would be Hayate. I want the Chikuma II, but, alas, it may elude me this time. However, on the plus side, the Hayate is a DD, the class that I generally do the best with, and it adds to my paltry list of Tier X ships being number 5. Another plus for me is that this is a Japanese DD that has some decent guns along with some nice torps–given my tendency to play ships like the Fletcher, the Hayate fits fairly well inside my play style.


Speaking of Tier X, I also just obtained the Montana. This is my first ever Tier X BB. I gave her a test run in an AB last night and had a blast, delivering withering broadsides to some BBs and CAs. Ended up scoring 192,042 damage in my first game with this vessel. The many battles with the Iowa appear to have prepared me for using this ship.


So, overall, a nice time progressing through tech trees and gaining new ships. I really, really like the ABs and which this would become a permanent addition to the game.


Congratulations!  🙂

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Ship No. 518, HMS Minotaur, has joined my fleet


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Literally purchased the first 2 stage of the consecutive crates only because so many folks had success here...and so did I...ship number 388


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