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Updated 8th Anniversary Rewards


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42 minutes ago, Paradat said:

OK yeah so that is what I thought. 

So, It seems to me we are right back to what most of us thought would happen after 442. Instead of nerfing the number of SC they nerfed the content. Ignoring all the drama in the middle we are good to go. We are actually a little better since you have a bit more flexibility.


...and made sure we now know we can't trust even devblogs.

Do you realize what ammunition WG just handed to tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists?

Why trust WG when we know, clearly and unequivocally, that WG official devblogs have been known to be false?

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12 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Why trust WG when we know, clearly and unequivocally, that WG official devblogs have been known to be false?

Genuine question: did any experienced player actually trust WG before now?

Given how frequently they've been duplicitous in the past, the only question for me is about the detail of whatever their newest appalling behaviour turns out to be.

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Just got permanently muted by the Discord for the following string of comments:

Seraphice: "I tend to believe that we have been respectful to you in all of our communications, and I believe it is not unreasonable for us to expect the same from you. You may disagree with the decisions we make, and express those opinions, but we don't think its unreasonable to expect this to be done in a way that is constructive and conducive to a respectful discussion between 2 or more parties."

Me: "That
's an interesting take. It's not constructive to claim that there is an 'in-game economy', when there is not. No player can trade with any player other than WG. That means that the 'in-game economy' is ACTUALLY a 'real world' economy, since the actual transactions take place between the player and the game developer.

This is, I think, a major point where your VALID reasoning gets lost on its way to the customers ears. Yes, giving away too much stuff impacts the real world revenue of WG. That is a bad thing for the future of the game. You can come out and say this.

No, giving away free stuff doesn't impact AT ALL the in-game economy, because the prices for items are fixed by WG. So talking about 'inflation of the in-game economy' is just causing dissonance to the player listening to your words...because it's obviously not true. The only impact of giving away free stuff is that it hurts the game revenue in the real world. It devalues it. This is bad, and the players understand that.

Talk about how this hurts WG's ability to make money. Be transparent. Stop disrespecting your player's intelligence by using phrases which most people understand don't mean what you intend to mean.

Furthermore, stop instructing your staff and volunteers to ridicule people for wanting more 'free' stuff. The anniversary rewards are not free gifts...they are rewards earned by playing and spending loyalty. You need to have earned those tokens in order to receive that reward. This is another example where your staff and volunteers are not respecting the players.

I could even mention the massive PR blunder of implying no changes would be made to the anniversary event because of the SC changes. Was immediately going back on that word respectful to the players?"

Apparently that is enough to get tossed out forever.


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41 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Just got permanently muted by the Discord for the following string of comments:

Seraphice: "I tend to believe that we have been respectful to you in all of our communications, and I believe it is not unreasonable for us to expect the same from you. You may disagree with the decisions we make, and express those opinions, but we don't think its unreasonable to expect this to be done in a way that is constructive and conducive to a respectful discussion between 2 or more parties."

Me: "That
's an interesting take. It's not constructive to claim that there is an 'in-game economy', when there is not. No player can trade with any player other than WG. That means that the 'in-game economy' is ACTUALLY a 'real world' economy, since the actual transactions take place between the player and the game developer.

This is, I think, a major point where your VALID reasoning gets lost on its way to the customers ears. Yes, giving away too much stuff impacts the real world revenue of WG. That is a bad thing for the future of the game. You can come out and say this.

No, giving away free stuff doesn't impact AT ALL the in-game economy, because the prices for items are fixed by WG. So talking about 'inflation of the in-game economy' is just causing dissonance to the player listening to your words...because it's obviously not true. The only impact of giving away free stuff is that it hurts the game revenue in the real world. It devalues it. This is bad, and the players understand that.

Talk about how this hurts WG's ability to make money. Be transparent. Stop disrespecting your player's intelligence by using phrases which most people understand don't mean what you intend to mean.

Furthermore, stop instructing your staff and volunteers to ridicule people for wanting more 'free' stuff. The anniversary rewards are not free gifts...they are rewards earned by playing and spending loyalty. You need to have earned those tokens in order to receive that reward. This is another example where your staff and volunteers are not respecting the players.

I could even mention the massive PR blunder of implying no changes would be made to the anniversary event because of the SC changes. Was immediately going back on that word respectful to the players?"

Apparently that is enough to get tossed out forever.



26 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

Well, looks like WG decided to delete disagreements with them out of hand.

Sustained rational and respectful criticisms easily hurt them in a way that they have to mute or even go to the extreme of deleting posts.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Furthermore, stop instructing your staff and volunteers to ridicule people for wanting more 'free' stuff. The anniversary rewards are not free gifts...they are rewards earned by playing and spending loyalty. You need to have earned those tokens in order to receive that reward. This is another example where your staff and volunteers are not respecting the players.

Although I have no Idea about what I got last year or what I'm getting this year I do appreciate people trying to get us better rewards or at least the same rewards . However I just have to disagree with this quote. This is a game lot's of people like me play because it is fun for us . Seems to me that lots of people get a little too focused on rewards, missions, free stuff and go just a wee bit overboard with the personal attacks on the wrong people to boot. 

I have seen very little ridiculing or disrepecting of people by volunteers or staff but in all honesty they are bomarded by the same people day in and day out for decisions they dont make. After a while it must become annoying reading this everyday the suits are the ones to be addressed with complaints but we can't really can't get to them.

Anyway apperciate that people are watching what's going on because I dont really have the time or inclination to do so.  


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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


Glad you posted this. One of the issues I raised repeatedly with a CM prior to the forum’s closure was the lack of transparency and seemingly arbitrary nature of moderating decisions, particularly when it involves noisy people with inconvenient opinions.

I’m reminded of the time a player was permanently banned from the forums for repeatedly “spreading misinformation” relating to recently implemented mechanics changes. Turns out the player was actually correct, and a few days later was back on the forums. The only reason any of this was revealed is because the player posted the communications on Reddit. Having a third-party site for this type of disclosure is important.

23 minutes ago, clammboy said:

but in all honesty they are bomarded by the same people day in and day out for decisions they dont make. After a while it must become annoying reading this everyday the suits are the ones to be addressed with complaints but we can't really can't get to them.

This is understandable, but these people were hired specifically for a customer-facing position and to represent WG to the community. They should be able to (and most of them can) conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing their employer.

Edited by Nevermore135
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56 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

This is understandable, but these people were hired specifically for a customer-facing position and to represent WG to the community. They should be able to (and most of them can) conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing their employer.

WG's Discord has become... well the discord is there.


Edited by Frostbow
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1 hour ago, clammboy said:

I have seen very little ridiculing or disrepecting of people by volunteers or staff

The last four hours of the updated dev blog response showed multiple blue text (volunteer staff) and some red text vile comments...particularly around the Asian server playerbase.

It has been eye opening in terms of how bad and biased the moderation there has been.

...and they had the gall to insinuate that we would be filled with toxicity here...


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11 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The last four hours of the updated dev blog response showed multiple blue text (volunteer staff) and some red text vile comments...particularly around the Asian server playerbase.

It has been eye opening in terms of how bad and biased the moderation there has been.

...and they had the gall to insinuate that we would be filled with toxicity here...


The toxicity at WG's Discord has risen to new heights that Seraphice [EU] has posted an appeal:

"How about we stop throwing crap at each other?"


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16 hours ago, Paradat said:

OK help me out. How is the event nerfed beyond the containers? What else are we not getting now?

Good thing they removed the 400 token requirement for more super containers once you go past 30.

The 200 token = 1 super container is fair. 

I am neutral on the nerfing of the contents of the super containers. I probably just do not care enough anymore about 'rewards' in World of Warships.

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25 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

The toxicity at WG's Discord has risen to new heights that Seraphice [EU] has posted an appeal:

"How about we stop throwing crap at each other?"


Even the appeal to civility is toxic. Seriously, using 'crap' in a communication like that?

This after he claimed that WG has always been respectful in all their communications (which isn't true)...and tried to claim the moral high ground, on an issue that started because WG got caught lying in a devblog...again.

Now, Ahskance is gaslighting the community by claiming what the feedback ahctually meant...which is basically the distorted version of the feedback he is sharing with senior leadership...

...and multiple blue text posters are insinuating that the majority of the angst comes from Asia or NA, because those servers are inherently inferior...

Like, what is this dumpster fire?

But oh no, the toxicity problems are the fault of the players not WG staff...we won't address ANY of our own staff's egregious flaunting of the discord rules...but certain posters keep making us look bad, so they must go.

What...why do I even bother?

Deep breath.


Let's definitely not behave like that. Here or ever. I'm going to take a break...cool off. Do some Friday work, and then spend the weekend with my family.

Those clowns over at WG aren't worth my time.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Even the appeal to civility is toxic. Seriously, using 'crap' in a communication like that?

This after he claimed that WG has always been respectful in all their communications (which isn't true)...and tried to claim the moral high ground, on an issue that started because WG got caught lying in a devblog...again.

Now, Ahskance is gaslighting the community by claiming what the feedback ahctually meant...which is basically the distorted version of the feedback he is sharing with senior leadership...

...and multiple blue text posters are insinuating that the majority of the angst comes from Asia or NA, because those servers are inherently inferior...

Like, what is this dumpster fire?

But oh no, the toxicity problems are the fault of the players not WG staff...we won't address ANY of our own staff's egregious flaunting of the discord rules...but certain posters keep making us look bad, so they must go.

What...why do I even bother?

Deep breath.


Let's definitely not behave like that. Here or ever. I'm going to take a break...cool off. Do some Friday work, and then spend the weekend with my family.

Those clowns over at WG aren't worth my time.

I'm getting a mental image of the 'clown scene' now.

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4 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

implying no changes would be made to the anniversary event because of the SC changes

Except it wasn’t implied or inferred, it was a clear and unmistakable statement in devblog 442.

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4 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Just got permanently muted by the Discord for the following string of comments:

Seraphice: "I tend to believe that we have been respectful to you in all of our communications, and I believe it is not unreasonable for us to expect the same from you. You may disagree with the decisions we make, and express those opinions, but we don't think its unreasonable to expect this to be done in a way that is constructive and conducive to a respectful discussion between 2 or more parties."

Me: "That
's an interesting take. It's not constructive to claim that there is an 'in-game economy', when there is not. No player can trade with any player other than WG. That means that the 'in-game economy' is ACTUALLY a 'real world' economy, since the actual transactions take place between the player and the game developer.

This is, I think, a major point where your VALID reasoning gets lost on its way to the customers ears. Yes, giving away too much stuff impacts the real world revenue of WG. That is a bad thing for the future of the game. You can come out and say this.

No, giving away free stuff doesn't impact AT ALL the in-game economy, because the prices for items are fixed by WG. So talking about 'inflation of the in-game economy' is just causing dissonance to the player listening to your words...because it's obviously not true. The only impact of giving away free stuff is that it hurts the game revenue in the real world. It devalues it. This is bad, and the players understand that.

Talk about how this hurts WG's ability to make money. Be transparent. Stop disrespecting your player's intelligence by using phrases which most people understand don't mean what you intend to mean.

Furthermore, stop instructing your staff and volunteers to ridicule people for wanting more 'free' stuff. The anniversary rewards are not free gifts...they are rewards earned by playing and spending loyalty. You need to have earned those tokens in order to receive that reward. This is another example where your staff and volunteers are not respecting the players.

I could even mention the massive PR blunder of implying no changes would be made to the anniversary event because of the SC changes. Was immediately going back on that word respectful to the players?"

Apparently that is enough to get tossed out forever.


Consider the value of what you lost through this, and you won’t sigh so hard.

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Being civil but passionate about your beliefs/ideas makes the forum's moderation pleasant.  Keep it up, and thanks a whole lot! 

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I know it doesn't have much to do with the topic but in World Of Warships Legends (Console) they gave 48 gift boxes for the event called Treasure Hunt, that added to the campaign and the event they did with Quadrans gives us a total of 178 boxes.

Which in my opinion is the best event and campaign there has been so far in World Of Warships Legends, as it was the celebration of the 4th anniversary.

Before I miss it, I didn't spend a single doubloon to complete all the events, except for the campaign which cost 2,500 doubloons with all the rewards of the campaign itself.


I am also attaching the respective links for any questions you may have:











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On 8/18/2023 at 9:44 AM, clammboy said:

Although I have no Idea about what I got last year or what I'm getting this year I do appreciate people trying to get us better rewards or at least the same rewards . However I just have to disagree with this quote. This is a game lot's of people like me play because it is fun for us . Seems to me that lots of people get a little too focused on rewards, missions, free stuff and go just a wee bit overboard with the personal attacks on the wrong people to boot. 

I have seen very little ridiculing or disrepecting of people by volunteers or staff but in all honesty they are bomarded by the same people day in and day out for decisions they dont make. After a while it must become annoying reading this everyday the suits are the ones to be addressed with complaints but we can't really can't get to them.

Anyway apperciate that people are watching what's going on because I dont really have the time or inclination to do so.  


We are dissatisfied with WG's inconsistency, the increasing difficulty of tasks but decreasing rewards, the various boxes and gift chains they release, as well as their extreme disregard for players. Moreover, WG has committed over twenty wrongdoings in recent years. This anniversary celebration is just a catalyst for our discontent.

Some of us have resorted to personal attacks against individuals who are responsible for these mistakes. I apologize on their behalf. The staff's discrimination against Asia and their contempt towards players result in our comments being deleted or getting kicked out even if they do not violate any rules – simply because we are Asian players.

Volunteers or staff members only respond to messages that suit their preferences and delete those that don't. For example, this person has been asking the same questions to different people for more than five days (and we posts keep getting deleted by WG), yet he continues to divert attention when given the correct answers – how much money did he receive from WG?

The number of negative reviews left by our gathered players on Steam is too small, so WG is still pretending nothing happened.

To be honest, we don't want to engage in these actions, but WG has gone too far.




Edited by HogHammer
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1 hour ago, wrds said:

We are dissatisfied with WG's inconsistency, the increasing difficulty of tasks but decreasing rewards, the various boxes and gift chains they release, as well as their extreme disregard for players. Moreover, WG has committed over twenty wrongdoings in recent years. This anniversary celebration is just a catalyst for our discontent.

Some of us have resorted to personal attacks against individuals who are responsible for these mistakes. I apologize on their behalf. The staff's discrimination against Asia and their contempt towards players result in our comments being deleted or getting kicked out even if they do not violate any rules – simply because we are Asian players.

Volunteers or staff members only respond to messages that suit their preferences and delete those that don't. For example, this person has been asking the same questions to different people for more than five days (and we posts keep getting deleted by WG), yet he continues to divert attention when given the correct answers – how much money did he receive from WG?

The number of negative reviews left by our gathered players on Steam is too small, so WG is still pretending nothing happened.

To be honest, we don't want to engage in these actions, but WG has gone too far.


For example, if this is posted by an Asian account, it has already been muted.image.thumb.png.5f290c7cd7842e89286973e5eb420354.png

Edited by HogHammer
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1 hour ago, wrds said:

For example, this person has been asking the same questions to different people for more than five days (and we posts keep getting deleted by WG), yet he continues to divert attention when given the correct answers – how much money did he receive from WG?

[screencaps, 2]

Just as we don't do personal call outs of players in game, I don't think it's a good idea to do this for the discord users either, as they are players. As far as I know, that user is not an employee, and even if he was, I don't think this is a good look, regardless of my opinions on his opinions.

The 8th anniversary is a highly contentious issue that is not going to make everyone happy, and I understand we are all frustrated about it, and even if we don't agree with how WG is running the discord, a call out post doesn't sit right with me, no offense. It creates a bad atmosphere in a space where, even if it was legitimate feedback, it wouldn't be heard by WG anyway. It just feels like a negative feedback loop.

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On 8/18/2023 at 2:56 PM, Verblonde said:

Genuine question: did any experienced player actually trust WG before now?

Given how frequently they've been duplicitous in the past, the only question for me is about the detail of whatever their newest appalling behaviour turns out to be.

Ditto 🙂

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12 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Just as we don't do personal call outs of players in game, I don't think it's a good idea to do this for the discord users either, as they are players. As far as I know, that user is not an employee, and even if he was, I don't think this is a good look, regardless of my opinions on his opinions.

The 8th anniversary is a highly contentious issue that is not going to make everyone happy, and I understand we are all frustrated about it, and even if we don't agree with how WG is running the discord, a call out post doesn't sit right with me, no offense. It creates a bad atmosphere in a space where, even if it was legitimate feedback, it wouldn't be heard by WG anyway. It just feels like a negative feedback loop.

While this is true...it is also important to record that it appears WG is allowing some users...mostly blue and yellow text volunteers and discord boosters...free reign to troll the discord.

Direct by name call outs may be something we try to avoid...but providing warning to others about the blatant double standard of moderating over there should be done, at least in my opinion.

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24 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Just as we don't do personal call outs of players in game, I don't think it's a good idea to do this for the discord users either, as they are players. As far as I know, that user is not an employee, and even if he was, I don't think this is a good look, regardless of my opinions on his opinions.

The 8th anniversary is a highly contentious issue that is not going to make everyone happy, and I understand we are all frustrated about it, and even if we don't agree with how WG is running the discord, a call out post doesn't sit right with me, no offense. It creates a bad atmosphere in a space where, even if it was legitimate feedback, it wouldn't be heard by WG anyway. It just feels like a negative feedback loop.

I'm sorry, you're right. I made a mistake. How can I delete his name? It seems like I don't have the permission to do so.What I want to say is that Discord basically only keeps the comments that are beneficial to WG, and there are some people like this who speak for WG. Even if they are refuted, they will only delete + change the topic.

Edited by HogHammer
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They just loop around sending out unconsidered remarks instead of answering other people's queries.I've spent days trying to get justice for the anniversary rewards (including through other people's voices) and am still stuck because the people who say good things keep repeating their words.Maybe those people on discord are actually anonymous WG employees (I noticed that they often look at this anniversary from WG's perspective)?🙃

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On 8/18/2023 at 9:56 AM, Aragathor said:

Well, looks like WG decided to delete disagreements with them out of hand.

This rather supports the theory that - contrary to their protestations - WG killed off the original forum as a way of silencing dissension.

I'm still a little bemused at the approach they're taking; surely it would be easier to try and fix the problems with the game, and communicate more honestly/transparently, than playing whack-a-mole banning/censoring anyone who puts forward a view that differs from the official line?

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