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Last Voyage of the Transylvania


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Well, so far I am enjoying this one.  It is allowing me to work towards Thrasher, and will be able to work other 9's as well.  Not as hard as Sunray or Saving Trans, but still has a challenge to it.  A well play sub will definitely benefit, providing you don't spawn in the back like I have been a so far today.  feh


If you have 9's to work through, I would highly recommend you take advantage of this Operation! Smile_playing.gif.a6c958c121c06bdb09497f61b74f9620.gif

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In my three attempts so far I have noticed two things that irritate me:

- PvP players will be PvP players and hang back and let Transsilvania do the tanking. You can guess how that will end. In one battle, as Duncan I could tank enough to offset them. In the other, as Brest, I could not.

- Submarines do amazingly well.

Other than that, a welcome opportunity to grind tier9 ships for PvE players like me.

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Personally, I'm enjoying the "Last Voyage of Transylvania" Halloween scenario.

I also enjoy that we're getting to use the ships we already have in our Port.
Our ships get a temporary camouflage and some "buffs" just for going into the mode, too.

I'm finding it is more fun, for me, because I'm getting to use "my" ships.
Not that I minded playing the other Halloween scenarios and using the rental Halloween ships in the past. 
But, honestly, this feels better.

I'll leave speculation about why we're using our own ships intead of rented Halloween event ships to be the subject of another topic.  🙂 

So far, I've played a handful of Tier-9 and Tier-8 BB's from my fleet in the "Last Voyage of Transylvania" mode.  It's been fun.  
It was a bonus to have been in a division hosted by @Lord_Zath during his Twitch stream, last night.  
Good times.  🙂 

I've noticed that Submarines are allowed, too.  I'll have to try that before the event is over.  🙂

Edited to add a link to the World of Warships article.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Yeh milking this like a fat dairy cow, no nerfing of credits or XP, so long as you win, which isn't hard unless the team are muppets and forget to surround Transylvania towards the end when Gorgon and last few ships show up, to save her HP.


- Submarines do amazingly well. Well have only seen 2 and by the same player and he dies quickly, as useless and clueless.

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So... If I go in clueless and for the first time...  I bring Guiseppi Verdi and her secondaries and hug the Transylvania?  Does that contribute to a win and a bazillion credits so I can buy all the ships I have researched but not credit-worthy?  🙂  Is this where I finally use Red Credit boosters?

Thanks... serious question for first time Transylvania visitor.

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I have not seen a guide with f.e. the buffs to each class etc, which ships that seems good etc. WOWS article is not informative.

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2 hours ago, Gnirf said:

I have not seen a guide with f.e. the buffs to each class etc, which ships that seems good etc. WOWS article is not informative.

Yeah, I've seen other players talk about buffs but I have no clue what they are or where to get them on the map. The yellow area around the towers?

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14 minutes ago, CFagan_1987 said:

Yeah, I've seen other players talk about buffs but I have no clue what they are or where to get them on the map. The yellow area around the towers?

That would be my guess. They seem to give damage resistance as far as I could tell.


3 hours ago, Arcusaesopi said:

So... If I go in clueless and for the first time...  I bring Guiseppi Verdi and her secondaries and hug the Transylvania?  Does that contribute to a win and a bazillion credits so I can buy all the ships I have researched but not credit-worthy?  🙂  Is this where I finally use Red Credit boosters?

Thanks... serious question for first time Transylvania visitor.

That's roughly what I tried to do with my Amagi and Musashi (two runs so far). It didn't get me very good results, but at least I felt semi-useful. The second run some team mates started sinking so that made things a lot harder towards the end.

The DD's are a big threat, they should be dispatched before they unleash their wave of torps. Also the 'circle' keeps shrinking, so it's important to be mindful of that as the operation progresses.

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Buffs to the ships are shown in port via an icon in the stats section labeled 'modifier'. Each class has it's own list of modifiers that improve/change the overall style. Haven't seen what changes when someone dies as an in-operation buff. Collecting the shards from the towers improves Transylvania's damage resistance (based on in game msg when all three are collected).



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5 hours ago, Gnirf said:

I have not seen a guide with f.e. the buffs to each class etc, which ships that seems good etc. WOWS article is not informative.



Better than nothing.

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Since many people are in the dark about the specifics of ship buffs (thanks to WG not laying out all the details in their article), I present them here:

  • BBs (see above image, mostly survivability buffs + main gun DPM)
  • Cruisers  - regenerate health when damaging enemies (this is especially helpful when you stack multiple fires on a BB)
  • DDs - passive health regeneration (similar to arms race) and torpedo DPM
  • Carriers - ridiculously fast plane regeneration time (-90%)
  • For each player that dies, all remaining allies deal +10% more damage and are 15% more resistant to enemy damage
  • Enemy ships take reduced damage in the Filth (I think it is -50%? Normally a T8 BB citadel does 12K damage, but based on my observations I see only around 6K). Meanwhile, if an enemy ship enters the safe zone around Transylvania, it will take normal damage (and thus die fairly quickly).
  • Near the end of the operation, when the Rasputins spawn, the Transylvania will accelerate suddenly (similar to Alsace in Hermes). This catches people off guard, especially those driving slower BBs.
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What I really like is I-56's 17s reload time on her very powerful dumb fire torpedoes. Smile_great.gif.ff9d4ab3002206b67ce1d47fd4d2411a.gif 


When I started playing the Op, Sturdy only had some 16k xp.  I got Thrasher like 2hrs ago, and it took roughly 15 matches.  Most were wins, but a few losses with 10k+ SXP.


Had one run go this well-ish for me:








That be all Blue's I might add. Smile_playing.gif.a6c958c121c06bdb09497f61b74f9620.gif

Edited by Volron
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Have any played enough to know if the spawns of enemys etc are dynamic or identical, and Transylvanias voyage. In the first offering there were two routes the trans went so it is the same now so it pays to learn the enemy patterns?


Also is the enemys ship diffrent if you bring in different types or tiers

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40 minutes ago, Gnirf said:

Have any played enough to know if the spawns of enemys etc are dynamic or identical, and Transylvanias voyage. In the first offering there were two routes the trans went so it is the same now so it pays to learn the enemy patterns?


Also is the enemys ship diffrent if you bring in different types or tiers

Transylvania seems to only have one path. Most of the enemy spawns are identical, although so far I’ve seen two (the leviathan/two cruisers) that will occasionally have a mirror spawn and show up on the other side of the map.

There’s also a bit of spawn variation with the first group of two destroyers/two cruisers. Sometimes I’ve seen them spawn one of each, other times the two destroyers have been closer together on the farther spawn.

Enemies seem to be the same regardless of what ships you bring. 

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5 hours ago, Gnirf said:

Have any played enough to know if the spawns of enemys etc are dynamic or identical, and Transylvanias voyage. In the first offering there were two routes the trans went so it is the same now so it pays to learn the enemy patterns?


Also is the enemys ship diffrent if you bring in different types or tiers

Transylvania only has the one fixed route sadly.

There is some spawn variation, but the general location is the same.

As for the enemy ships being different, honestly I have not been paying attention.



Truth be told, this one is the most linear of all the Halloween op's.  A team of experienced Op players will make easy meat of this one.  That being said, I really love the fact that I can use whatever T9 I want, and T8 submarines!  As I mentioned earlier I got Thrasher, and I intend to work up to the Pan-An T10 CA as well (I have the 9).  If it starts to feel tedious, I can switch to a different class since they all have perks to them.  I spammed Saipan's TBs the other day, and only once did I run down to a partial squadron of 5 aircraft.  Another really awesome thing is that it does not take up the Operation's section, it is it's own "battle mode".  So if I get kinda burned on the Halloween Op, I can switch to regular Op's! Smile_great.gif.ff9d4ab3002206b67ce1d47fd4d2411a.gif


Oh!  I can work up to the USN T10 sub as well!  I almost forgot about that! Smile_playing.gif.a6c958c121c06bdb09497f61b74f9620.gif

Edited by Volron
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11 hours ago, Volron said:

OH!  The Halloween Op counts in the Voyage to the North mission!!!

  Recent change?  I looked last night and didn't see where this qualified for any other missions.  At least I didn't see the green symbol in the mission requirements.

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4 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

  Recent change?  I looked last night and didn't see where this qualified for any other missions.  At least I didn't see the green symbol in the mission requirements.

All I know is that I was spamming the Halloween Op today and noticed it was actually counting towards the Voyage mission.  Right now I only have the Defended mission left, and I did not do any Co-Op since the Halloween Op dropped.

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I am really starting to get irritated by losing regularly because the players and especially the BB players are too stupid to realize that in order to win, they need to be between Transylvania and the enemy, not have the Transylvania be between them and the enemy. This last match, the ENTIRE team was northwest of the Trans when the 3rd DD wave rushed in from the southeast. And except for me, noone even TRIED to prevent the inevitable. Of course my cruiser didn't last long, and the Trans went down like 30 secs later. I know I could increase my win chances by taking a BB myself, but I don't want to be limited to just one ship class. A shame PvP teaches bad tactics to bad players.

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26 minutes ago, Kruzenstern said:

I am really starting to get irritated by losing regularly because the players and especially the BB players are too stupid to realize that in order to win, they need to be between Transylvania and the enemy, not have the Transylvania be between them and the enemy. This last match, the ENTIRE team was northwest of the Trans when the 3rd DD wave rushed in from the southeast. And except for me, noone even TRIED to prevent the inevitable. Of course my cruiser didn't last long, and the Trans went down like 30 secs later. I know I could increase my win chances by taking a BB myself, but I don't want to be limited to just one ship class. A shame PvP teaches bad tactics to bad players.

Agreed, it's really annoying, but it's a pattern i recently noticed in other OPS as well, BB players camping in Spawn/ staying far behind everyone else, trying to snipe, instead of concentrating on the objective, like protecting Transylvania, Raptor or the Transport ships in Narai for example, can't remember this being a problem in the past.

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1 hour ago, Kruzenstern said:

I am really starting to get irritated by losing regularly because the players and especially the BB players are too stupid to realize that in order to win, they need to be between Transylvania and the enemy, not have the Transylvania be between them and the enemy. This last match, the ENTIRE team was northwest of the Trans when the 3rd DD wave rushed in from the southeast. And except for me, noone even TRIED to prevent the inevitable. Of course my cruiser didn't last long, and the Trans went down like 30 secs later. I know I could increase my win chances by taking a BB myself, but I don't want to be limited to just one ship class. A shame PvP teaches bad tactics to bad players.


1 hour ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

Agreed, it's really annoying, but it's a pattern i recently noticed in other OPS as well, BB players camping in Spawn/ staying far behind everyone else, trying to snipe, instead of concentrating on the objective, like protecting Transylvania, Raptor or the Transport ships in Narai for example, can't remember this being a problem in the past.

Heh.  "random battles" has "trained" too many BBabies all too well.  😏

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Some personal opinions and information learnt elsewhere:

Ships with large turning radii would be very frustrating to use due to how ships are driven in this event.

Members of the Khabarovsk trio would be restored to full HP every respawn if they are not outright destroyed.

Due to how the Filth was coded, it is found that French destroyers with special module HP can become immune to the Filth DoT when certain HP threshold is met. They are still vulnerable to enemy fire though.

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4 hours ago, Kruzenstern said:

A shame PvP teaches bad tactics to bad players.

It teaches tactics that are suitable for PVP, which this is not. 

That doesn't stop the people you're playing against from having poor adaptability between modes, but 'bad tactics to bad players' seems to me to be an oversimplification of the issue. 

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